Topic: Problem with (intensity) gain

Could someone help me get the signals captured by microphone connected to the front inputs (XLR 7 and 8) to be recorded more intensely? I put the gain pot in +35 dB, but the signal I get is still very low.
L. Ham. -

Re: Problem with (intensity) gain

Simply raise the gain... That's the easiest (and the only) way...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Problem with (intensity) gain

OK. Thank you. The problem is that I record conversations and as a normal level of conversation is between 20 and 50 dB, it seems bad register signals at a highest level. Is there any way to inactivate the analog channels I do not use? In TotalMix I see 8 or 10 channels remain open even when only two reported sensitivity (the two channels receiving the signal from microphones).
Thank you very much.
Lorena Ham.-