Topic: FF800 - Host Light starts blinking after running pro tools 9

Hi everyone.

I have a FF800 running on a 2008 iMac. The system was working flawlessly until a few days ago the mac hard drive failed. After replacing the hard drive and installing Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and pro tools 9.0.6 (the same versions I had before the hard drive failure) something weird started to happen with the FF800:

I've installed the latest drivers 3.14 and everything seems fine. I boot the Mac with FF800 turned on and the host LED turns off during the Mac boot process. However, when I run Pro Tools 9, when the 'Creating DAE object' message appears on the PT9 splash screen, the FF800 host led starts blinking and I'm unable to playback or record anything on PT9.

The FF800 settings app appears to detect the unit correctly, the problem only starts after launching PT9.

Can anyone help me with this?
