Topic: Another newbie question on UFX


I am a couple days into my UFX, getting accustomed to total mix fx and I had some questions:

1. Is there a way to split the Main Out 1-2 into two separate outputs rather than a stereo output?  The stereo button doesn't seem to toggle the Main Out to mono like the other faders. 

2. I am also going to be possibly using this as a 4 channel preamp from time to time.  Do I need to slave it to the other interfaces wordclock in this mode if I am using analog outputs, I'm pretty sure I need to for adat/digital outputs. 

3. In 4 channel preamp mode, should I send the 4 preamps to 1-4 (i.e. Main out 1-2 or Mic 9 to L Main, Mic 10 to R Main, Mic 11 to An 3 and Mic 12 to An 4)  or should I send them to 3-6?  I guess it probably doesnt matter and would work both ways. 

4. When storing the current state into the device, is this considered setting standalone mode?  Therefore, to recall the setup at the display on the front panel, the unit needs to be disconnected from the computer correct?  Or is it like recalling a workspace like in total mix? 

5.  Is there a way to label the stored device states, like 4 chan preamp, live show, practice, etc for easy recall when at the front panel? 

Thanks for the help, i did try searching but am new to the forum.

Re: Another newbie question on UFX

Any answers to any questions, thanks!

Re: Another newbie question on UFX

Hey ekkomouse,

3.  It shouldn't matter.

Could you elaborate on question 2?

Re: Another newbie question on UFX

Thanks for the reply,

on 2, I am currently using another interface as my main interface, the UFX is in my portable rack but I would like to be able to set it up as a 4 channel preamp to add a couple more inputs to the other interface.  Now I could set it up as adat, which I know would need the wordclock but I could also just use the totalmix software to route the pres to the line outs on the UFX and then patch those to the Line in's on the other interface.  I wasn't sure if I needed to slave the RME UFX to the other interface when doing this since it does technically go through a digital process.  The other interface is a universal audio apollo.  Thanks again.

Re: Another newbie question on UFX

2. If you use analog outputs, you don't need word clock.
If you want to use 4 digital outputs, then you'll need to sync the devices via word clock or ADAT.

3. It doesn't matter which 4 outputs you use for 4 preamp outs. I'd use 4 outputs other than Main.

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