Topic: Windows 8 device behaviour
I may be missing something here (e.g. a simple check box option ?), but it looks like sample rate changes are behaving differently since I moved from Win 7 to Win 8. I am hoping that someone else can shed light on this. I'm using RME drivers 3.35, will go to 3.36 shortly.
If I am operating with 96000 Hz under Logic Audio (yes 5.5.1, I know, I know ...) then even when I close the song, Hammerfall DSP settings lock the sample rate at 96000, will not let me change it, or more to the point will not let any other application change it either. Thus if I open a track of the song under an external wave editor, the sample rate as far as DSP settings are concerned is still locked at 96000 Hz. Unless I close the Logic Audio app completely, the track will not play as it should (it speeds up, also the cursor does not track smoothly even if I change the sample rate inside the wave editor app).
Under Win 8 control panel->manage audio devices there are options for sample rates to be used when running in shared mode, however only 44100 appears as an option. I have also ticked (and unticked) 'allow applications to take exclusive control of this device' - makes no difference.
Any thoughts/explanations would be appreciated. My Win 7 system is gone, so I cannot go back or run side-by-side in order to make any direct comparisons - however I DO know that I was able to keep Logic Audio open (after closing the song) AND play/edit individual tracks under an external wave editor without having to worry about sample rate changes.
I know I'm running with 'ancient' software, but this has served its humble purpose for me for many years; I'm not really expecting direct support for Logic Audio, but I would like to know if anyone has observed any different behaviour along these lines with sample rates under Windows 8.