Topic: RME RPM phono preamps quality ? + little problem

Hye everyone.

I have this RPM and I want to rip my vinyl with the BEST POSSIBLE SOUND !

I thought to do this with RPM, but I read this article where a guy complains about the quality RIAA phono preamp: … eface.html

I wonder what is the best choice before starting the hard work of +500 vinyl records... :
Which one has the best phono preamps ?:

1 - Use the RPM as his, with his phono stage.

2 - Use my mixer "Allen & Heath Xone 92" and enter in RPM in line level.

3 - Buy a good phono preamps (eg : Musical fidelity V-LPSII...) and entrer in RPM in line level.

Another point, I have already tested with RPM and I have a big problem:
My recording is saturated !
Due to the too elevated output level of my "Ortofon Night Club MK2 cells" (8mv).

What to do? purchase another cell with a standard output level ?

My final recording must be 44khz/16bits, with RPM and his phono stage, impossible to achieve the perfect gain, I have so to record at 24bit and then dither ?...

If I do this with my "A&H Xone92 mixer", I could set the exact gain needed without saturate the "mixer phono preamps" ?
And record directly at 44khz/16bit ? Better choice ?

Thank you in advance for all your advice.

Re: RME RPM phono preamps quality ? + little problem

regarding your question about with preamp is best: well, you already got 2, so test it by yourself, which one sounds better for you :-)

And with the level: the RPM has a MM-input, this is in general the system with the highest level. Hm. Do you have the same saturation problems with your A&H input? And to be shure that it is not a software thing, try to use the RPM as a standalone phono-pre (disconnect the pc connection), with the analog outs connected to a consumer amp. Does it still sound saturated?


Re: RME RPM phono preamps quality ? + little problem

I make some test this afternoon.

-With RPM with his phono preamp, the sound is bad, really flat, no detail.

-With Xone92 in RPM in line level, the sound is better, a little colored by the Xone but better.

Is someone has already check this problem ? (bad quality phono preamps).

Re: RME RPM phono preamps quality ? + little problem

I have bought the RPM specially to do the job (rip all my vinyl collection).

I have no saturation problem with the A&H, with the gain knob at the middle value (standard 0h00), plug in the record output, "line level 0db" in RPM parameter, my recording is at -6dbfs at maximum

I found and select (*phono -6db) in the RPM parameter, and now, apparently, no more problem of saturation with RPM.
my recording is at -3dbfs at the maximum.

For the test you offers to me, it is more difficult to hear the saturation, because I will no more have a visual landmark.
I said it saturate because I saw it on my recording, a lot of clipping in the waveform.
But now I select phono -6db, no more clipping.