Topic: USB Cable Question - Babyface

Hello All;

I'm reorganizing my desk and moving my Babyface.
The problem is that it is now too far away from the computer for the dual power USB cable to reach.

So this presents me with a question...

If I go with a 6' single power USB cable, what are the symptoms to look for that would indicate it's not delivering enough juice?
Crackles? Noise? Dropouts? Or are there other unique low-power anomalies to look for?

Would it be better to get an extension from the dual power cable rather than risk low power operation...if Art Kelm is anyone to go by, low power operation of electronics is just as harmful as over-voltages.

Quin B.

Re: USB Cable Question - Babyface

Normally the auxiliary power connection is not needed. That is only included so you can use some low power devices with undervolted USB ports (netbook).

Just try a cable, and don't worry too much.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: USB Cable Question - Babyface

Wow! That was fast! :-)

Ah, I see. Good to know!

The ports are on a desktop mobo with a 600w I guess I'm good for current.
(frees up a USB port too)
