1 (edited by ian.hennam 2013-07-08 12:09:03)

Topic: 9652 9pin D-type wiring diagram needed

Hi All,

We've got a 9652 "hammerfall" card in a rack mounted machine which we are over the moon with...  It's a brilliant card and is currently wired only via ADAT optical cables...  We now have a need to wire in AES/EBU connections both into and out of the card on copper.

We'd really like to wire this up with a single 9pin connector onto the end of a multi-core cable as the cable run is quite long (rather than 9pin -> phono, phono -> XLR on the end of a long cable), and so need to know the pin outs for the 9 pin connector but we have a slight snag that we don't have the original 9pin -> 9pin+2x phono cable to buzz through to find the pin outs!

I need to know which of the pins on the 9pin D-type are connected to:
SPDIF Out +ve (phono centre)
SPDIF Out -ve (phono outer)
SPDIF In +ve (phono centre)
SPDIF In -ve (phono outer)

I'm not bothered about the ADAT sync, as we use a word clock to sync all of our studios/desks/outboard kit...

Can anyone help please? smile

Cheers in advance.


Re: 9652 9pin D-type wiring diagram needed

Pin    Signal          Pin    Signal
9     SPDIF In +      5      SPDIF In -
6     SPDIF Out +    1      SPDIF Out -

Matthias Carstens

Re: 9652 9pin D-type wiring diagram needed

Brilliant! Thank you MC... smile