1 (edited by Alastor 2013-10-04 02:15:44)

Topic: Is The HDSPe Right For Me?

Hi there,

I just custom-built this new PC:

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Cubase 7 64-bit
2x Intel Xeon E5 Processor(s)
32GB Quad-Channel RAM
128GB Samsung SSD
4TB Seagate Secondary Drive
4TB Hitachi Third Drive

I am an electronic music producer and I constantly use upwards of 250+ tracks in my work (MIDI, Instrument, Instrument Rack, FX Channel, Group and Audio tracks). My current sound-card is an Edirol FA-101 that, even on a new PC like this -- gives me huge ASIO overload spikes. I am looking into buying an RME HDSPe card with an RME Multiface II Interface. The Edirol FA-101 cannot make use of Cubase's new Multimedia Class Scheduler Service on Windows, either. Can anyone vouch for this audio-interface? Should I trust this purchase to handle that many tracks? What can this card actually do for my performance? I intend to use this card as a gateway between Cubase and my Genelecs, Virus TI and PreSonus HP4 Headphone Amplifier only (for now). I assume this card and Cubase is similar to what Pro Tools and Avid's HD cards do? I'd appreciate the help!

P.S. If anyone knows of any compatibility issues between Cubase and this card, I'd appreciate any heads-up, too!
