Topic: Question about routing Reverb/Delay into a DAW

Hey there,
I've been trying to find an answer to my problem with TotalMix but haven't come up with one yet...

To be honest, TotalMix is very complex for me to understand. BTW, I own a RME Babyface and have just updated the drivers today.

I just use my interface for direct recording guitars with vst amp simulations in Cubase 5.

What I would like to do is to apply reverb/delay effect to my monitored guitar signal and play a backingtrack (without reverb/delay affecting this track) in Winamp.

I would also like to be able to record this wet signal in Cubase.

But when I set TotalMix to apply those effects to audio , all I have is wet guitar and wet backingtrack. I have managed to record wet guitar signal but in this case the backing track I play in Winamp is also affected by TotalMix FX.

Could anyone help me with this please?
