Topic: 2 x raydat


if i join together 2 x raydat inside one windows PC.  does the totalmix mixer automatically extend to accommodate the extra channels?

with my raydat, I just updated to v 3.26 driver (but it still says year "2011" on the panel) and rev 13 with the old total mix,

No totalmix FX yet then?  OSC control would be nice on the raydat.

thanks : )

Re: 2 x raydat

Each card has it's own mixer - the HDSP mixer runs on the RME hardware.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by tweqzy 2013-11-15 23:12:43)

Re: 2 x raydat

Jeff wrote:

Each card has it's own mixer - the HDSP mixer runs on the RME hardware.


so if i install 2 x raydat, i will have 2 x totalmix mixers.

Could I route from raydat(card1) input 1 >> raydat(card2) ouput 1?

Re: 2 x raydat

Sorry, no direct routing. Only by way of software monitoring in your DAW.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: 2 x raydat

RME Support wrote:

Sorry, no direct routing. Only by way of software monitoring in your DAW.

Daniel Fuchs

I think 2 totalmix mixers operating independently might still be o.k for me.

Thanks for your help.