Topic: Global access through osc, any estimate of implementation?

Still no news on the global access of parameters through OSC (instead of indirect access through the submixes/banks protocol)? Is direct access of parameters on the list for the final 1.0 release of TotalMix?

I'm working on a system for automated routing and level control of MADI streams in complex live situations based on the HDSPe FX. I'm performing strain tests now with a workaround using bank and submix messages, but TotalMix tends to drop OSC messages whenever data rates become to high, even when using local loop ( Due to the bank/submix protocol, this leads to more or less random response, setting unwanted routes and levels in the matrix whenever a bank or submix message is accidently dropped. With direct access available these dropped messages shouldn't be a big problem, since the DSP handles sudden level changes quite nicely.