1 (edited by yaronaldema 2014-01-15 18:06:59)

Topic: XTC flash update problem

Hello RME and All.
I need to use the Octamic XTC with the MIDI Remote software so I tried to update the firmware by downloading the "RME USB Series Flash Tool" with the instructions I found here:
The program identified the device and said there is an update. then it went through the update and gave an error at the end.
now the XTC does not boot up at all. it lights up with random lights and stays like that indefinitely. Please advise me as to the next step I should take.
I did the update through a Mac with OSX 10.8.5.

Thank you

Re: XTC flash update problem

An update to this post, now the utility "RME USB Series Flash Tool" won't start when I double click it. I don't know how that relates to my problem. any info would be appreciated.
Thanks again