Topic: HDSPe with TCO are not working

Hi all,

I'm having an issue with HDSPe PCI and an TCO card.

I'm trying to send LTC from a Avid SYNC HD through the TCO but the TCO led is in green when I start up the computer but once the computer is open the green light is switched to off.

I tried with many firmware and driver versions but it doesn't work.

I can see the TCO tap in the Hammerfall DSP settings and in the Sync Check window it's synced but the LTC in counter never appears and the Sync Source it's not lock in the TCO tap.



Re: HDSPe with TCO are not working

Did you connect the power cable to the TCO card?


Re: HDSPe with TCO are not working

And did you follow the setup as described in the manual? A bit special with that combination.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe with TCO are not working

Sorry, yes I connected the power cable to the TCO but which is the special combination? in the TCO manual I only can find a small paragraph about TCO and PCIe.