1 (edited by floy78 2014-01-30 17:00:30)

Topic: HDSPe AIO + Octamic II - New Sound Setup

Hello !

sorry if there is some misspellings in my post, i'm french !

I would like to buy RME hardware for my new sound setups but it's my first step in professional sound hardware and i'm very new to some concepts, so my questions may seems odd for a lot of you !

I'd like quality preamps so I would like to buy an RME Octamic II, pluged in ADAT to an HDSPe AIO.


1st Question: Octamic has 2 ADAT out but HDSPe AIO has only 1 ADAT in. Will I be able to use all of the octamic input simultaneously ?


2nd: I read that I can't send sound from my DAW to the octamic outs. (no DA converters on the octamic).

Based on this limitation, I need 4 mono Outputs from the AIO in order to send sound from my DAW to my monitors (2 outputs, L&R) and to my sono soundsystem. (2 outputs L & R ).

how can I get this outputs from the AIO ?  (Jack or XLR) .

I saw i can plug this kind of cables:  http://www.thomann.de/fr/rme_bo9632_breakoutkabel.htm, but there is only 2 XLR Outputs.
There is 2 D-SUB 15 on the AIO so, can I put 2 breakout cable like this one to the AIO in order to have 4 XLR outputs ?

If it's ok, I read that plugging monitoring systems directly on this XLRs out may be not a good idea because, i quote " Numeric noise will always be present on this outputs, you have to use a converter".

If it's true, I don't understand the purpose of this XLRs Outs by breakout cables.

My second idea was to use expansion like this one : http://www.thomann.de/fr/rme_ao4s192_aio.htm
4 outputs to my monitors and sono system.

which solution is the best ?

I don't know if my questions are clear but, here is a diagram of my supposed setup :


Thanks in advance for your readings, and i hope, for answers !

Best Regards,
