Topic: Only 2 Windows MIDI outputs with 3 Multifaces


So, I have 2 Multiface 2s on PCIe cards and one Multiface 1 on a PCI card.

In Cubase, I'm seeing 3 outputs as DirectMusic ports. If I use those, the system seems to get confused as to which one is which when I close Cubase and restart it. I also only seem to be able to get MIDI clock out of one unuit.

Windows MIDI is preferable, but that's only showing 2 units: 2- Multiface MIDI and 3- Multiface MIDI.

They appear to be driving the 2 Multiface 2s on the PCIe cards.

Any idea what's happening here?

Should I be able to control all 3 independently as Windows MIDI ports and send MIDI clock out of all 3 with independent control?

I'm on Windows 8 64 bit, but had had this same problem for quite a while on previous versions of Windows.


Re: Only 2 Windows MIDI outputs with 3 Multifaces

No thoughts on this one?

Re: Only 2 Windows MIDI outputs with 3 Multifaces

Found and fixed it! It was some strangeness with the "ignoreportfilter" mechanism.

With that file in-place, a new non-emulated port is visible in the list. Maybe Steinberg's mechanism for recognising emulated ports is buggy?


Re: Only 2 Windows MIDI outputs with 3 Multifaces

It seems so as this error report comes up from time to time for years now. But the solution is new to me, thanks for the info.

Matthias Carstens