Topic: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

Hi folks,

I have an HDSP9652 which breaks out to an ADA8000 from Behringer.  I cannot get into detail right now, but, for argument's sake, let's say I am totally unable to use REWIRE.
I have a DAW, and I have KONTAKT.  Again, for argument's sake, let's say the VST does not function within my DAW.
Thus I MIDI-trigger KONTAKT (the standalone software) from my DAW, and KONTAKT sends its audio out through RME Hammerfall.  Is there a way that I could internally route the audio via RME Hammerfall back into the DAW without having to go through ADDA out to cable and back in via cable through the ADDA conversion process?

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

You could loopback with a adat cable. Just a simple adat out to in on the HDSP.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

3 (edited by Scheffkoch 2014-03-07 13:32:30)

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652 can internally route via totalmix...e.g. in kontakt you could use out 3-4 and in totalmix you could route out 3-4 directly to in 3-4 and use that as an input in your do that you have to click strg or alt something like that (i can't remember right now, sorry, but just search the totalmix manual) and then in totalmix the outputchannels you want to route to their like a charm...

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

Scheffkoch wrote: can internally route via totalmix...e.g. in kontakt you could use out 3-4 and in totalmix you could route out 3-4 directly to in 3-4 and use that as an input in your do that you have to click strg or alt something like that (i can't remember right now, sorry, but just search the totalmix manual) and then in totalmix the outputchannels you want to route to their like a charm...

Thanks for the tip.

I am just not finding any way to do it, and the manuals/instuctions that I am getting are showing all sorts of routing EXCEPT routing a software out to an "IN".

ANyone have any advice on how exactly to achieve this?

5 (edited by Scheffkoch 2014-03-07 17:55:46)

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

...ok...i found out it should be "strg" + the output channel to route it inernally to the

- e.g. you have your daw's out on let's say 1-2
- in kontakt standalone choose e.g. 3-4 as the output channels
- when you play something with kontakt you should see the totalmix meters out 3-4 (3rd row) moving
- click "strg" + out 3 and then "strg" + out 4 (on the label): the colour of "out 3" resp. "out 4" should then turn red
- when you play with kontakt you now should see the meters of out 3+4 and input 3-4 moving
- in your daw select input 3-4 as the input channel
- happy like a house without a roof

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

...following an old thread this loopback feature is not available for the HDSP9652...sorry...

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

Thanks for the trouble.

Bummed that the 9652 doesn't allow this, but...what can one do? 

There was a comment about adat cable loopback, but, one cannot, for that will "disconnect" the ada8000 from the 9652, as there is only one in/out, or am i missing something?

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

A hdsp96/52 has 3 adat in/outs

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

You could also loopback via the Spdif in/out


Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

vinark wrote:

A hdsp96/52 has 3 adat in/outs

Hi Vincent,

Quite right, but, I have 3 ADA8000 units, and use all three (24 in - 24 out) in the studio.  :-(

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

Yannick wrote:

You could also loopback via the Spdif in/out


This might actually be the way to go!  :-)

Re: Routing internally on HDSP 9652

You will need something like this : … a_male.jpg
