Topic: help please my multiface dont like the update

sorry yesterday i try to update my multiface 1, i use it on my laptop , oh my god she like dead , no sound anymore, i dont know what i can do, to put him back like 2 days before, please help, someone can show me how to recupere my sound card like before?? whats driver , whats solution please
help please
sorry for my english

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

please some Information about your system OS etc. and what Driver version was running before?

3 (edited by bbcastor 2014-03-20 13:58:20)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

im on w7 32 bit with pcmcia card on laptop lenovo t61
i regret to try to update my soundcard
thanks for your help
my last driver is  4fut_wdm_dsp
i try to refound this driver

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

Please describe what exactly happened. Is this the old, flat version of the Cardbus card?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

5 (edited by bbcastor 2014-03-20 14:10:58)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

yesterday i see on audiofanzine all card have to be updater for more permomance
i do it , when i try , i see the update say we flash your card, and fail stop
after that my card its like dead, nothing happen anymore
i go in panic, and all thing i try,driver on rme, nothing happen good, i take back the cd original intall purple the blue one
nothing happen. i need help
to have a driver and a flash to see my multiface one play normaly
this is only what i need, im afraid

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

Note for HDSP PCI Rev. < 1.8 and the flat HDSP CardBus (15-pin connector)

!!! When the update fails (status: failure) the flash process should be repeated several times, until no error message occurs anymore. If the failure message is displayed nonetheless, the interface will most probably no longer work when the computer is switched off and on again. The interface then has to be re-programmed at the factory. We have invested a lot of work to prevent the system from getting in this state. If it happens despite our efforts, the best advice we can give is to not switch off the computer! As long as it is not switched off the old programming of the PCI/CardBus interface will stay active, and you can continue to work with the system using the old drivers !!!!

All other hardware (HDSP MADI, HDSP AES-32, HDSP 9652, HDSP 9632, HDSP PCI Rev. > 1.8 and HDSP CardBus 6-pin) includes the Secure BIOS Technology which prevents this kind of flash error.

..and a newer WDM Driver please

7 (edited by bbcastor 2014-03-20 14:18:39)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

ok he say use the card with the old driver , this is what i want!
where i can found the old driver now, and why no big warning to say , multiface 1 dont do it?
i buy my multiface 1 the first years rme do it!
i buy the multiface 2 to, for my tour w7 64 bit
i think i dont desserv that realy not!

8 (edited by bbcastor 2014-03-20 14:28:39)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

i want just use my multiface 1 like i always do it!
where is the driver for that, because rme say you can use the multiface like before with the old driver!
dont tell me the multiface can dead because no where its writing dont do it(no where writing in red,CAUTION MULTIFACE1)?
i hope this is not WHAT you try to tell me?
thanks a lot

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update




Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

You refer to this news? … 25082.html

Where does it say Multiface? Nowhere. There was no update for older products.

Please contact your local distributor for help. This forum can not help with hardware problems.

Matthias Carstens

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

look im french and the news say in french
RME say to is customer to update all the RME interface (all)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

As MC explained, there was no need to update anything here. The update you did takes place on the Cardbus card, not on the Multiface. There is also a clear warning in the "Readme" file (note the name...). If this fails, the older flat versions of the card will need to be reprogrammed at the factory. The newer ones (with the big Firewire type connector) are safe and should still work. You did not answer my question which one you have.
All this has nothing to do with drivers. You did not mention which driver version you use, and possibly also did not pay attention to whether the initial dialog of the flash update tool (fut) said "Up-to-date" or "Not updated" before you started programming the card...

There are many ways this could have been avoided. The first one would have been to read the news with better attention. This does not refer to the Multiface at all.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

bbcastor wrote:

look im french and the news say in french
RME say to is customer to update all the RME interface (all)

"Ces nouveaux drivers sont destinés aux interfaces rme Fireface UFX, UCX, MADIface XT, HDSPe MADI Fx et Babyface et incluent la version 0.998 du logiciel TotalMix FX."

Where does it say Multiface?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

14 (edited by bbcastor 2014-03-20 16:41:01)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

look that im crazy or what?
"RME recommande de mettre à jour le firmware de toutes ces interfaces pour profiter pleinement des nouveautés."

i realy need help because all the voice on my job do with this card and now no one can play in my studio
my multiface 2 is on the computer for mix
what im do it now?
my last driver play with my multiface1 Pcmcia good is 4fut_wdm_dsp
now i feel me like a dumb i can believe that happen like that just for a update try... im realy choc and sade believe me

where i can do a reclamation for this?

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

bbcastor wrote:

look that im crazy or what?
"RME recommande de mettre à jour le firmware de toutes ces interfaces pour profiter pleinement des nouveautés."

I am sorry to say that you seem to misunderstand a simple french sentence here. There is a huge difference between " toutes ces interfaces" and " toutes ses interfaces", which is what you seem to have understood... "Toutes ces interfaces" ("all these interfaces") only refers to the list of interfaces mentioned in the previous sentence...

where i can do a reclamation for this?

Please contact SCV:

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Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

16 (edited by bbcastor 2014-03-20 16:55:24)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

he just say to me is 70 euros to 200 euros to repare this probleme..
this is normal???

17 (edited by bbcastor 2014-03-20 17:04:15)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

RME Support wrote:
bbcastor wrote:

look that im crazy or what?
"RME recommande de mettre à jour le firmware de toutes ces interfaces pour profiter pleinement des nouveautés."

I am sorry to say that you seem to misunderstand a simple french sentence here. There is a huge difference between " toutes ces interfaces" and " toutes ses interfaces", which is what you seem to have understood... "Toutes ces interfaces" ("all these interfaces") only refers to the list of interfaces mentioned in the previous sentence...

Daniel Fuchs

tell me if is normal, i cant use my RME card because i try to update and now i have to pay for
you know how much i pay all my card sound to you..
this is the way ? for a customer like me with you minimum 12 years fidelity
this is not fair!

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

There is a clear warning in the readme file. Also, there was absolutely no need to run the update. Since you apparently even took the update file from the CD, instead of the website, it might not even have been an update, you may just have flashed the same version again, or even an older one (without paying attention to whether it said "Not Updated" or not).

I'm afraid the price is normal, as it is now quite complicated to reprogram these old cards at the factory. That is assuming it is really the old flat card - you still did not tell me.

This whole thing is quite unfortunate, but there is no denying that you made many mistakes in the process. If you make a mistake while driving and crash your old Renault 4 into a tree, the car company also will not pay for the repair, will they....? Even if you are an old customer. Desolé...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

19 (edited by bbcastor 2014-03-20 18:07:03)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

RME Support wrote:

There is a clear warning in the readme file. Also, there was absolutely no need to run the update. Since you apparently even took the update file from the CD, instead of the website, it might not even have been an update, you may just have flashed the same version again, or even an older one (without paying attention to whether it said "Not Updated" or not).

I'm afraid the price is normal, as it is now quite complicated to reprogram these old cards at the factory. That is assuming it is really the old flat card - you still did not tell me.

This whole thing is quite unfortunate, but there is no denying that you made many mistakes in the process. If you make a mistake while driving and crash your old Renault 4 into a tree, the car company also will not pay for the repair, will they....? Even if you are an old customer. Desolé...

Daniel Fuchs

no no no i take the cd  by  force,after the flash probleme of the digichek 5.07 of the webside rme
because my card is like dead after the flash loading from your web i instaled for this update..
you feel me?
yes its a card plate pcmcia
yes but i do a mistake just this  update!
im not a baby , or i dont hunt lesson of life, i just want say respect your customer
i do the update because i see audiofanzine, ok you say i dont know the syntaxe, but look in 2003 i pay with my economie this card alot of money, i love it
i do it again in 2010 for the modele multiface2
now im a shit for you!! because my card is old, but dont forgot, you here because customer like me is here long time a go!!!
and i think if you treat fan of rme like i am, like that
this factory cant stay long on the top
ok i put my card in garbbage, because i dont have money for pay that
ok no probleme, be proud man

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

I will close this thread now. The card is your property, you can do with it whatever you want. We are not responsible for your misunderstanding of a simple french sentence on a non-RME (!) website. There is no advice on the RME website to update all devices. And there is a clear warning for the PCMCIA cards. And you still did not tell me which PCMCIA/Cardbus card you have. There are two different ones. Or does "plate" refer to the flat card?
Also, this has got nothing to do with Digicheck at all. Maybe there is a different kind of problem here, but unfortunately, you have not given us a totally clear description of what exactly you did and what exactly happened.

We are actually treating you quite well, because many other companies might simply refuse to repair such old products straight away. Then you would have nothing...

But please do not expect us to compensate for your mistakes. If you drop something, nobody will pay for it either. These things sometimes happen. In this case, you could have asked us first whether this update is also required for your setup.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

21 (edited by bbcastor 2014-03-24 01:18:39)

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

i search and i found this for you! … ink:top:en
im not sure is ok , but if is work its a good option
me i want buy it to rewrite my pcmcia card

Re: help please my multiface dont like the update

bbcastor wrote:

i search and i found this for you! … ink:top:en
im not sure is ok , but if is work its a good option
me i want buy it to rewrite my pcmcia card

This device will not work at all, it is made for data storage cards. You can not "rewrite" your card at home.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs