Topic: HDSP 9652 second version


My motherboard is an Asus P7P55D and is 4 years old. It has 3 PCI slots and 1 PCIe 2.0x16_2 slot (black, at 4x link). I currently use a DIGI9652 but  want to upgrade to a 64 bit machine. I understand  the second version of the HDSP9652 fits PCIX slots, but will it fit in the PCI slot in my motherboard?



Re: HDSP 9652 second version

The HDSP 9652 is a PCI card. There is no second version of the HDSP 9652.

In case you meant the HDSPe RayDAT: that is a PCIe card and will fit into PCIe (PCI Express) slots, not PCI slots (obviously).

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSP 9652 second version

Thanks for the reply,

I was confused because a seller listed a HDSP 9652 as "Second version that fits PCIX slots" and "The card is PCI 2.0. It will function in PCIX slot at 33 MHz." My motherboard doesn't have PCIX or PCI 2.0 slots, it just has PCI (with no version) slots. I wasn't sure if this sound card is compatible with my motherboard. I don't know if there is a physical difference between PCI and PCI 2.0, or just a performance difference.

From your reply it sounds like HDSP 9652 will fit in any PCI slot no matter what version (ie PCI, PCI 2.0, PCIX). I would hate to buy this to later find out it doesn't fit or isn't compatible with my motherboard.



Re: HDSP 9652 second version

The seller might have confused earlier versions of the DIGI9652 which were not compatible to Macs with PCIX slots with the later HDSP 9652.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSP 9652 second version


Bottom line is that the card should work fine with my motherboard so I've arranged to buy it. I've never had a problem with my DIGI 9652 so I'm expecting the same with the HDSP.

All the Best,
