Topic: DigiFace / Apple G5 / Cubase 5
Hi all,
bit of a vintage setup here :-) I'm using a Digiface connected via a PCI card to an apple G5 (PPC). The PPC-driver I use is the latest (1.6c). For some reason though, I'm not able to activate the ASIO Direct Monitoring function inside Cubase 5. Am I correct in assuming, that this should be possible or should the direct monitoring always be activated "manually" in RME totalmix (which seems a bit of a hassle to me)?
According flash tool, the PCI card has hardware revision 17... according RME driver download page the most up-to-date hardware revision should be 15/53... Might this be an issue? Except for ASIO direct monitoring, everything is normal!
Thank for your inputs!
Best regards,