Topic: UFX: Is it possible to do this with TotalMixFX?

I currently have audio from my computer (CDR or YouTube etc) set to play through UFX Phones 2 (outputs 11/12) and can easily route this to my main monitors in TotalMixFx. Sometimes I want to record this output into my DAW so I use a splitter lead to connect the Phones 2 output to the adjacent MIC/TRS inputs 11 and 12, then select these as inputs in my DAW.

It works, but is it possible achieve the same result without using cables, perhaps by using the Matrix View function to set the routing?  - I have tried this by connecting Mic Inputs 11/12 to Phones 2 but it does not work. This might route the Inputs to the Phones outputs, but may not actually route the Phones output to the Mic Inputs, if you see what I mean.

Maybe Loopback will be able to achieve this, but I have never been able to get it to work - I just don't understand the documentation. After clicking [Loopback] how does one route the signals to chosen inputs?, should the signals be visible on the UFX inputs?

Hope this makes some sense.

Re: UFX: Is it possible to do this with TotalMixFX?

This is exactly what loopback is designed to do.  Your computer audio should be coming in to one of your software playback channels (2nd row in TM).  You are then routing that to your monitors.  You can also route the playback to an unused output - lets take AES as an example.  Click loopback on the AES output and now the output signal will appear as the AES *input* in your DAW.  If you are doing this and not seeing a signal, make sure the fader on the AES output is up.

Re: UFX: Is it possible to do this with TotalMixFX?

Hi Neirbod,

Many thanks for that - you nailed it completely.

Most of my physical inputs and outputs are used, but using Phones 2 (outs 11/12) on the UFX I have activated [Loopback] on the Phones 2 output on the bottom row in TM and now the audio comes into Nuendo on physical mic inputs 11/12.

One thing that was throwing me was that I thought I would see the signal on Inputs 11/12 on the top row of TM but this does not happen in this situation.

My addled mind also thought that I would be able to assign any Inputs to receive the looped-back signals - again this doesn't happen as it seems that the loopback feature only works with matched pairs of Ins and Outs - Out 3/4 to In 3/4,  Out 7/8 to In 7/8 and so on.  This is not a problem at all now that I understand how it works.
