1 (edited by darren.wonnacott 2014-05-19 10:48:52)

Topic: Pop/Click on Playback and Stop in any audio Program


I am using a RME Raydat along with the RME ADI-2 on Windows 7 64bit (Clean install).

The drivers are the latest version, along with the firmware.

I am getting a very quick click/pop when starting and stopping audio in any program such as Spotify, Cubase etc. Occasionally I also get a random odd pop/click, but this is very rare.

I have the Raydat set as the master clock and only have these two pieces of hardware connected.

If you click play-stop play-stop always from the beginning of a track in Spotify I get the click/pop, it doesn't always do it, but 99% of the time it does.

I have tried older drivers and also version 12 of the firmware and this reduces the pops/clicks, but they are still there just less often. Is it possible to download the firmware version 11 for windows? as I was reading a post with similar issues and they didn't happen with the 11 firmware, this was on a Mac though.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Best regards,
