Topic: Multiface 2 host error

I have been getting an intermittent host error light on my Multiface 2 connected to an HDSP PCI express card. It flashes and causes a disconnect every 30 seconds or so after start up. The duration between errors increases and eventually stops ( no more host errors) and functions fine once the PC has been on for about an hour or 2. It appears it functions fine once the box has warmed up.

The box and card have been tested in another PC with multiple cables and PSU with the same outcome.

I've wanted to move to a babyface but can't sell this one until I know what the problem might be.

Any ideas....Box or card issue?



Re: Multiface 2 host error

Try the Multiface with an external power supply.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Multiface 2 host error

Yes. Have tried that. Same outcome.


Re: Multiface 2 host error

It is not possible to determine whether interface or box are causing this without exchanging one and the other component for testing. Also the reason and with this repair costs are unclear. If you send in the units for service you will get a cost estimation before repair is done.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Multiface 2 host error

Thanks, I thought that might be the case.