1 (edited by PrimeHD 2014-07-09 04:35:51)

Topic: Sample frequency issues with UFX

I record in UFX as a standalone unit, using USB stick or USB reader/writer+CF card.

iPad (first gen) controls the GUI.

All is well, except:

- if I disconnect/reconnect iPad to UFX, the sample rate changes, seemingly randomly, between two values: 44.1 and 96.

- when iPad is connected, I cannot change whatever the sample rate has settled down, with either iPad's GUI nor with the direct controls on UFX itself. Details: iPad's GUI si set to "preferred rate" of 48Khz, which seems to be ignored by UFX. When I use UFX's buttons to switch the sample rate (with iPad connected), the rate changes momentarily but then switches back to 44.1 or 96Khz - whatever the unit decided to set this time.

Nothing else is running on iPad, just TotalMix.

Same behavior with 1.1 and after upgrading the app to v1.11.

Also, "background mode" switch is grayed out and stuck in Off position, on iPad's TotalMix preferences for some reason. Don't know if this is relevant.

How do I take back control of the sample rate?? I want 48Khz but am unable to set it. 96Khz is OK but then the unit decides to switch it to 44.1 next tiem I reconnect iPad, and I can't always catch the change...

RAW footage converted to video+audio, fast - for real-time playback and edit


Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

Sounds like you forgot to update the UFX firmware to the latest version.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

Shows 1.58 on UFX...

RAW footage converted to video+audio, fast - for real-time playback and edit

4 (edited by PrimeHD 2014-07-09 06:21:21)

Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

Nevertheless, I just downloaded and updated the latest firmware. The only difference seems to be in USB v357 vs I think my old one was 343. All other things were equal.

I'm also running the latest TotalMix app version 1.11

OK so after the firmware update, connecting iPad (either with or without TotalMix running) still produces a lock of sample frequency.

How to reproduce the problem:

- disconnect iPad
- using UFX's front buttons, set clock to INT, sample to 48KHz (which will work fine)
- connect iPad, observe sample jump to 96KHz
- try to change it using front buttons - but now you cannot; sample jumps right back to 96, after you try to change it manually

It feels almost like iPad itself commands UFX to switch sample frequency...

What else can be done to fix this problem?


RAW footage converted to video+audio, fast - for real-time playback and edit


Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

343 did not have CC support. 353 did have the older CC firmware 21, now you are on 26.

But I overlooked 'first gen', sorry. Indeed those run on an older iOS that simply does not support the 'background' option. iOS always defaults to 96 kHz, and you need to start TM FX at the preferred setting to change the sample rate one time. As explained in the help there is no guarantee that it will stay there.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

OK got it. So then, it is iPad.

96KHz is fine by me, so if it is the only quirk and actual recording is stable, I'll live with the 96KHz sample frequency.

Looks like I can still record about 5 hrs of 4-channel audio on a 16GB card (is there a formula?)

RAW footage converted to video+audio, fast - for real-time playback and edit


Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

Details about sf are in the TM FX help (section Interface settings). The 96 kHz is NOT stable, it will change to 44.1 as soon as the system issues whatever bleep, basically rendering DURec unusable as long as you don't use 44.1 kHz.

If you really like this system and setup then a new iPad or iPad mini is in order.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

I'm using this iPad Gen 1 exclusively for UFX control. That's the only reason i bought it. It has OS v 5.1.1 and falls into what your documentation describes as system requirements. From what you are saying it appears you now recommend a higher version of both hardware and OS. Please specify exactly what would you consider to be the current requirements to iPad hardware/software versions for absolutely stable operation of UFX.

RAW footage converted to video+audio, fast - for real-time playback and edit

9 (edited by PrimeHD 2014-07-09 23:50:10)

Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

Additionally... this is a bit of a unique situation, I suppose, because my iPad is ONLY used to control UFX. So I can sacrifice everything else for the purpose of pleasing RME here smile

So far I have disabled WiFi, put iPad in Airplane mode, and no other apps are running (as far as i can tell) except for TotalMix.

The hope here is that, therefore, nothing will knock out the stable operation here... maybe.

I'm now testing the system on a long recording, again. Hoping for 5-6hrs uninterrupted after the slight update in USB firmware version plus iPad settings made lean and mean.

Recording 3 channels in 96KHz to 32GB CF card.

So if it works in a very stable manner in this configuration, hopefully I won't have to buy yet another iPad.

RAW footage converted to video+audio, fast - for real-time playback and edit


Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

A used iPad 2 with 16 GB, no 3G, should be easy to get and should be quite cheap. And it will open the full potential of using this system...

Matthias Carstens

11 (edited by PrimeHD 2014-07-10 02:45:27)

Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

iPad 2 16GB: starts at $180 used on Amazon, not too bad. What OS version are you running on it, please?

Unrelated: why not use a Win 8 tablet though? (instead of the laptop.)

I have Dell Venue 8 Pro with full version of Windows 8.1 - shouldn't it work just the same as laptop with TotalMix software controlling UFX?

RAW footage converted to video+audio, fast - for real-time playback and edit


Re: Sample frequency issues with UFX

iOS from 6 up will do. The iPad 2 runs nice even on the latest 7.1.2

Dell: Simply try it.

Matthias Carstens