Thanks for adding adat outputs 17-24 to Control Room assignment in TMFX beta 5!
But I just came across another problem, in fact one that reminds me of a bug that was once present in a previous driver version, (a long time ago). Last weeks I only did arranging and mixing, but today was my first live recording session with HDSP 4.0 and TMFX. The problem is related to Automatic Direct Monitoring (tested with Cubase Nuendo).
Create an audio track in Cubase (let's try mono for now)
Input connected to ADAT 1
Routed to Cubase Master out which is connected to ADAT 1-2 (stereo of course)
Enable monitoring
With Automatic DM enabled Total Mix should follow the level and PAN of the Cubase channel
It does that for the level fader but unfortunately NOT for PAN. Pan is centered in Cubase but in TMFX it is hard left resulting in audio output to the left channel only instead of centered between 1-2.
Tested with TMFX beta 2 and beta 5.
Used Cubase 7.5 and 6.5 (just for being sure) and HDSP 9652
Reverting to HDSP driver version 3.42 (or before) with old TM resolves the problem right away and ADM behaves as expected.
Thanks for looking into this.