1 (edited by all 2014-09-28 09:47:32)

Topic: midi vs mouse

hi rme...

when clicking an output's fader, "main" for example, then "main" section is lighted up (light grey instead of dark grey) and it shows (AND SELECTS) the levels that are feeding that output (the hard input + software pb). BUT when using midi, it does not light up the section and thus does not show (AND SELECTS) the feeds. (BCR2000)

=> would it be possible that midi controlling would call the inputs too ?

+ please, sorry to keep on asking this, please please please, make the workspace's name appears in the TMFX bar...

UFX / TMFX 1.03 / driver 1.95 / OS 10.7.5

thank you, and bravo for this nice piece of hard/software that i use everyday.


Re: midi vs mouse

Options - Submix linked to MIDI Control x

Matthias Carstens

Re: midi vs mouse

hi mc, thanks u, but this option is already ON. maybe i did not explain it properly.
see : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/667960Capturede769cran20140928a768142146.jpg

last mouse clicked fader : phones 1. and then midi control over main => phones 1 stays highlighted whereas the main fader had been moved...


Re: midi vs mouse

Well, just moving a fader will not change the whole submix selection. That makes no sense on a remote with limited overview and partial access. That's why the Mackie protocol has dedicated commands to change the current submix.

Matthias Carstens

Re: midi vs mouse

ok, thank you.