Topic: New Total Mix and Multiface II
Please forgive me, but I am totally confused by the new Total Mix, and there doesn’t appear to be a Multiface II Mac manual more recent than 2012. The “update” information for Total Mix is for Windows and I’m on a Mac Pro, and that manual is confusing me anyway. I can playback audio tracks in Cubase 7.5.3, and the Matrix is set as before, but my confusion comes when trying to record the output of a VSTi to audio using Loopback.
a) In the old mixer ( … 0Mixer.png ), I set Analog Outs 11-18 up to 0. What is the equivalent of those faders in the new mixer?? Using the two screen shots of the old and new mixer ( … talMix.png ) would someone kindly point me to the location of those controls in the new mixer.
b) With the old mixer I would click on ADAT 1 & 2 labels so that they turned red. But I can’t do that now. Is one supposed to engage the “Loopback” button beside the fader now as an equivalent? For recording using a mic, I would set those channel buttons so that they were yellow. Can’t do that anymore either. What is the equivalent step for that?
Sorry to be so thick, but I just can’t seem to understand what to do. Thanks for any help you can provide.