1 (edited by Dan 2014-11-08 17:59:24)

Topic: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

Hi, since I've upgraded 3.22 to 3.23 driver, the Totalmix v1.04 shows up when starting the Mac unlike the older Fireface Mixer, and I have to press command H to minimize it.
Is there a way to keep the new Totalmix minimized automatically when starting up?
Secondly and at start up too, the 1st Snapshot in which I stored my setup is still blinking until I press on it.
Thanks for help.


iMac 27 12.6
3,6 GHz i9 128 Go Ram
AMD Radeon Pro 5700
LOGIC 10.7.4 - Fireface 800 - Buffer 128

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

Any help would be appreciated..

iMac 27 12.6
3,6 GHz i9 128 Go Ram
AMD Radeon Pro 5700
LOGIC 10.7.4 - Fireface 800 - Buffer 128

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

If you control click on Totalmix in your dock and go to options there's a preference you can check or uncheck to open it when you login

Otherwise - when you shut down you'll have the option to restore your windows upon your next bootup - if you choose to do that make sure totalmix isn't open

Hope that helps

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

Does not work, it opens at next session, thanks anyway.
Matthias, could we have some help?

iMac 27 12.6
3,6 GHz i9 128 Go Ram
AMD Radeon Pro 5700
LOGIC 10.7.4 - Fireface 800 - Buffer 128

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

up please

iMac 27 12.6
3,6 GHz i9 128 Go Ram
AMD Radeon Pro 5700
LOGIC 10.7.4 - Fireface 800 - Buffer 128

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

Is there an update planned for this issue please ?
Thanks for responding

iMac 27 12.6
3,6 GHz i9 128 Go Ram
AMD Radeon Pro 5700
LOGIC 10.7.4 - Fireface 800 - Buffer 128

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

+1 for this. It really annoys me that these windows do not auto-hide themselves even though my login items have them marked to be hidden. I've tried all sorts of hackery to solve this but have yet to find a reasonable solution.

Please, RME .. fix this! It should be a simple, configurable change.


Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

-1 for this. Open your eyes, the update is there.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

MC wrote:

-1 for this. Open your eyes, the update is there.

No need to be rude. I did not see that there was an update. I will give it a shot and report back with my findings.

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

Thanks for the update! Looks like that did the trick once I removed TotalMix and Fireface USB Settings from my login items. Once that was done, during login they both briefly display and then vanish. That is good enough for me. Hopefully it solves the OP's issue too!

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

Having the same problem. Yesterday  loaded the newest Downloads available – since I am new to RME – and the both control panels from "Fireface USB Settings.app" and "Totalmix.app" are still popping up on every startup.
What to do, how to disable those on system launch?

Hallo, ich habe das gleiche Problem. "Fireface USB Settings.app" und "Totalmix.app" öffnen sich jedesmal beim System-Start (OSD 10.10.1). Wie schalte ich das ab? Bin neu bei RME …

MacBook Pro Mid 2012 i7 @ 2,3 GHz 16 GB @ SSD's | RME FireFace UCX

12 (edited by Dorian C 2015-01-11 14:36:27)

Re: Totalmix window opens when Mac starts up...

By the way something off-topic: is there ANY CHANCE that you'll make this User Panel (steplessly!) vertical scalable? Since the whole layout is very vertically oriented it doesn't fit good on the most of my screens … even the 100%, 135% and 200% zoom makes no sense in my opinion since this will be fine on some screens … and on some not.

MacBook Pro Mid 2012 i7 @ 2,3 GHz 16 GB @ SSD's | RME FireFace UCX