Topic: HDSPe AES combined with HDSPe AIO possible?

Hi all,

first post.

I recently bought an external 16 AD / 16 DA converter and I would like to connect it with an AES/EBU Digital I/O  interface.
Unfortunately, to my knowledge there are only 2 companies that make such audio interfaces.
However, the HDSPe AES while it does give you that option it pretty much gives nothing else except MIDI. The HDSPe AIO on the other hand, can give you the extra connectivity I need -seperate digital outputs for my monitor controller/DA-

1. Since they use the same driver can they be combined on the same computer?
2. Do they need a special cable to do that combination?
3. Up to how many PCI Express Cards can I combine? This question also relates to the new TotalMix FX 4 All.

Thank you in advance.


Re: HDSPe AES combined with HDSPe AIO possible?

You can combine up to 3 RME devices that use the same connection type, like 3x PCI(e). Page 23 of the AES manual describes how to handle sync.