Topic: WL8 losing connection to RME cards
Our studio has 9 DAWs with Windows7(64), WaveLab 8.5.2, and RME AIOe or AES32e cards (lastest drivers). Windows sounds is turned off. WL audio device set for ASIO.
Through out each day, between launches or boot ups or changes in sample rate, WL8 will lose its connection to the RME card. You hit play but the cursur does not move and no sound is played. The work around is to reopen VST audio connections and hit REFRESH. All 9 DAWs behave this way but it is not consistent; that is it does not lose connection every time.
But why does WL keep losing the audio connection? It shouldn't. The audio card configuration has not been changed nor are other apps grabbing the card, as far as I know. I tried deactivating WDM devices in the card control panel, but that has not helped.
This never happened in XP/WL6 or earlier. It is frustrating the staff here. I have posted this problem at the Steinberg WL forum, but thought to post here as well should there be a hardware solution.