Hinfoweb wrote:The code you wrote is true for all Linux distributions? Even Linux Mint? Thank You
Linux Mint and Ubuntu are built on a Debian Base. So all the commands will be fine.
When i'm not using music software I spend most of my time playing around in a terminal. Probably my favourite apps are the Terminal and Apt package manager. When I first installed Linux (2003) things were very different, most of the time a fresh install resulted in a failure to configure the graphics card, so the first boot up resulted in being dumped into a black screen with a flashing prompt, so using the command line was essential to get to a desktop. Things are very different today, Linux has moved on and improved tremendously.
Linux Mint is a beautiful desktop i have it on my laptop. If you want to get the most out of your soundcard a real-time or low-latency kernel is the way to go. I gave up building my own real-time kernels years ago as most of the studio distros install them as default.
You can see what kernel you're using with:
$ uname -a
Checkout UbuntuStudio
http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distri … untustudio
Nice! Also you can install the ubuntustudio essentals on ubuntu based distros.
I tend to stick to the Long Term Support (LTS) version of ubuntu.
It really is difficult to help without knowing more about your computer and setup.
Copy text from the terminal simply by left click selecting it and left clicking directly into a text file.
There's no need to copy/paste in linux, simply select it and click where you want to paste it.
You can pipe the output of a command straight into a text file very easily using >> and then read the contents of the text file in the terminal by running cat.
Left click drag and highlight each command below then left click at the command prompt in the terminal.
No Copy/Paste needed.
$ date >> ~/linux-notes.txt
$ uname -a >> ~/linux-notes.txt
$ df -h >> ~/linux-notes.txt
$ ls
$ cat ~/linux-notes.txt
$ gedit ~/linux-notes.txt
$ nano ~/linux-notes.txt
$ history
The Terminal really is a time saver.