1 (edited by Hinfoweb 2015-03-20 18:18:41)

Topic: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Yesterday I tried installing Ubuntu LTS 14.04 and the RME HDSP 93632 was not recognized. You will understand that for people installing Ubuntu the first time, it makes it hard to understand how it works. Now I from what little I understand is that you have to rely on these software called ALSA and that there is a source code but, as you install it and if it works, I can not understand it. Can someone please explain how to install these drivers? (if they work) because reading on the net there are different opinions .. Does anyone solved this annoying problem? Thank You


Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Sorry, someone may be able to make a video explaining how to instal the ALSA drivers for sound cards RME HDSP 9632? Thank You


3 (edited by darrme 2015-03-21 18:58:27)

Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Hi Hinfoweb

Open a teminal and copy/paste the command below into a terminal and you'll get a description of the alsa-tools-gui software which will include the lines relating to hdspconf and hdspmixer.

Note! the $ symbol is showing that your logged on as a user, you don't copy/paste the $ symbol. Just the text e.g.

apt-cache show alsa-tools-gui

$ apt-cache show alsa-tools-gui

[...] hdspconf - GUI program to control the Hammerfall HDSP Alsa Settings.

[...] hdspmixer - tool to control the advanced routing features of the RME Hammerfall DSP.

Install alsa-tools-gui ... (copy/paste) the commands below.

$ sudo apt-get update

You'll be asked for your user password. type it and press enter.

$ sudo apt-get install alsa-tools-gui

Once it's finnished type

$ hdspmixer

You should see some text relating to your hardware and be presented with the hdspmixer gui.

You will also see the hdspmixer and hdspconf icons in your desktop user menu.
You can use these from now on to open the hdsp conf and mixer.

You can see which alsa software is installed with:

$ dpkg -l | grep alsa



Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Or maybe just find that package in the software-center?

Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS



6 (edited by darrme 2015-03-23 02:44:55)

Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

sonic is right you could use software-center or synaptic (my favourite front end for apt)


However getting to know the terminal and the basics of apt is something I'd recommend if your new to Debian/Ubuntu.
It will make it easy for you to copy/paste info about your system into text files or back here on the forum.
Debian/Ubuntu, Apt software really is a gem, once you get a little comfortable with it.
If you are new to unix/linux the secret is to take your time, there's no rush.

I like using nano for text editing with system files but gedit is cool for desktop notes.
This little tweak will help you a lot. 

Unleash .bashrc .bash_history

To help you search your bash_history add the following to your ~/.bashrc

$ gedit .bashrc

At the bottom of the file in the alias section add:

alias h="history|grep "

now run:

$ . .bashrc

(Or log out & back in to your desktop)
Then you can search your bash_history with:

$ h sudo
$ h install
$ h remove
$ h gedit

More info about your setup is needed.
What computer do you have?
Did you get hdspconf and hdspmixer installed ok?

Here's some more commands for you to checkout.

Sound information (post some output back here).

$ sudo modinfo soundcore

$ lspci -nn

$ cat /proc/interrupts

$ cat /proc/asound/cards

$ cat /proc/asound/modules

$ cat /proc/asound/devices

$ lspci |grep -i audio

$ lsmod |grep snd

$ lsmod |grep snd_hdsp

$ dmesg | egrep -i '(audio|sound|snd|linux|alsa)'

$ dpkg -l |grep jack

$ dpkg -l |grep jackd

$ dpkg -l |grep sndfile

This is a nice tool for gathering info on Debian/Ubuntu systems.
Run lspci -n and paste the output into the box and press the 'Check' button.


$ lspci -n


[Edit] Nice reads!

https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubunt … reparation

https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubunt … m%20Ubuntu

Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

The code you wrote is true for all Linux distributions? Even Linux Mint? Thank You


8 (edited by darrme 2015-03-23 20:08:39)

Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Hinfoweb wrote:

The code you wrote is true for all Linux distributions? Even Linux Mint? Thank You

Linux Mint and Ubuntu are built on a Debian Base. So all the commands will be fine.



When i'm not using music software I spend most of my time playing around in a terminal. Probably my favourite apps are the Terminal and Apt package manager. When I first installed Linux (2003) things were very different, most of the time a fresh install resulted in a failure to configure the graphics card, so the first boot up resulted in being dumped into a black screen with a flashing prompt, so using the command line was essential to get to a desktop. Things are very different today, Linux has moved on and improved tremendously.

Linux Mint is a beautiful desktop i have it on my laptop. If you want to get the most out of your soundcard a real-time or low-latency kernel is the way to go. I gave up building my own real-time kernels years ago as most of the studio distros install them as default.

You can see what kernel you're using with:

$ uname -a

Checkout UbuntuStudio
http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distri … untustudio


Nice! Also you can install the ubuntustudio essentals on ubuntu based distros.
I tend to stick to the Long Term Support (LTS) version of ubuntu.

It really is difficult to help without knowing more about your computer and setup.

Copy text from the terminal simply by left click selecting it and left clicking directly into a text file.
There's no need to copy/paste in linux, simply select it and click where you want to paste it.

You can pipe the output of a command straight into a text file very easily using >> and then read the contents of the text file in the terminal by running cat.

Left click drag and highlight each command below then left click at the command prompt in the terminal.
No Copy/Paste needed.

$ date >> ~/linux-notes.txt

$ uname -a >> ~/linux-notes.txt

$ df -h >> ~/linux-notes.txt

$ ls

$ cat ~/linux-notes.txt

$ gedit ~/linux-notes.txt

$ nano ~/linux-notes.txt

$ history

The Terminal really is a time saver. cool

Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

thanks, I installed ubuntu studio, I open the HDSP mixer and many other mixer but do not feel the same audio


Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Hinfoweb wrote:

thanks, I installed ubuntu studio, I open the HDSP mixer and many other mixer but do not feel the same audio

What make/model of computer ?

Post here the output of:

$  lspci -nn

Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Thanks but I have also had problems with Ubuntu Studio, also there are too many different elements than Windows .. Unfortunately I have not found good .. I will return to the same Windows .. Thanks for the help.


12 (edited by darrme 2015-03-25 10:30:28)

Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Hinfoweb wrote:

Thanks but I have also had problems with Ubuntu Studio, also there are too many different elements than Windows .. Unfortunately I have not found good .. I will return to the same Windows .. Thanks for the help.

You're welcome cool Maybe you'll try again at a later date.

While you're in install mode you could install windows then defragment the disk to compact files.
Then boot your live linux disk and create partitions for multibooting.

1 Windows OS partition.
2 Linux OS partition
3 Partition for your files, projects and documents (shared Windows & Linux) Make this the largest partition!
4 Linux swap partition.

If you install windows first, Linux will find your windows OS and your good to go.
This gives you the chance to play around with linux while you still have your windows system for studio use.
Keeping all projects and documents on partition 3 means you can reinstall at any time and keep your OS systems clean.

Most of the modern linux distros will find your windows OS without problems, so you can distrohop untill you find the one you like. Multibooting like this gives you the chance to slowly get to grips with linux at an enjoyable pace.

Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Goodmorning everyone,
after a few months I wonder if there is something new to Linux Ubuntu 15.10? I mean if signatures did a driver easy installation to recognize the RME HDSP 9632 in a more simple on the latest version of Ubuntu 15.10? Thank you


Re: hdsp 9632 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

There are no official developments for Linux drivers? Why do not you develop them?
