Topic: TotalMix FX v1.08 Screen Error?

On a iMac OSX v10.9.5 running a UFX connected by firewire (version 3.25, v343, Kernel Driver v3.25). When displaying TotalMixFX at 100% (in a 27" screen) with Snapshots, Groups and Layout Presets expanded (downward) DURECorder expands down below the bottom of the TotalMix screen hiding the stop,play record buttons. The only way I can get to those buttons is to collapse one of Snapshots, Groups or Layout Presets.
Is this a known error? If so can it be fixed in the next version please?

Re: TotalMix FX v1.08 Screen Error?

Collapsing some of the other options is indeed the way to go here. Perhaps not all of them will be required during a recording (e.g. Layout Presets).

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: TotalMix FX v1.08 Screen Error?

Glad to know it wasn't something wrong I was doing. But please for a future version can this be changed?