1 (edited by Thermaltake 2015-05-05 10:34:44)

Topic: Strange problem with MF1 on Win 8.1

Hi few days ago strange problem occured on my OS win 8.1, everything was working well on win Xp, Win 7 and on Win 8.1 until few days ago, while starting win and after welcome screen windows stuck on loading TotalMix and DSP Settings. I assume it was some problem with communication with card and MF, then I tried unplugging everything clean a bit cables with soft brush and replug everything back and still no changes. I noticed that MF sometimes pick signal while starting win and windows logo is on and sometimes on startup when TotalMix and DSP Settings load, don't know if thats normal. After uninstalling drivers and new install(I Run everything As An Administrator) everything was ok again for like 2 days and then problem is back again. I use latest 4.06 drivers, I tried with 4.05 drivers same thing so it's not becouse of drivers. Have you got any idea what can that be maybe is something failing or what ?

OS: Win 8.1 all updates
MF1 on latest firmware connected with cardbus that is in PCMCIA adapter.
MBO: Asrock Z77 Pro4


Re: Strange problem with MF1 on Win 8.1

Try a different power supply for the MF.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by Thermaltake 2015-05-05 12:49:50)

Re: Strange problem with MF1 on Win 8.1

I didn't test power supply you were right it was him making problems, thanks!

Re: Strange problem with MF1 on Win 8.1

Can you tell me is 12V 1.5A okay adapter ?

Re: Strange problem with MF1 on Win 8.1

That should be just fine.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

6 (edited by Thermaltake 2015-05-05 17:52:53)

Re: Strange problem with MF1 on Win 8.1

Only thing is that length of the connector is not the same size as original I just can't find adapter with connector to have length like yours but it fits and multiface is working, it's not going all the way in like original one if you know what I mean.

And one more question. Is it normal when opening TotalMix for first time when win starts that some of levels jumps like they receive some signal and there is nothing connected to those inputs or outputs.

Damn it's not an adapter, it just happend again on other adapter. The thing is when I manage to get her work when I reinstall drivers unplug everything and plug again, she is working until I restart PC maybe not first restart but after few. PC just froze when trying to load TotalMix and DSP Settings and I manage to unfroze him in task managet but TotalMix and DSP Settings don't load. I disconnect power of MF and firewire when PC was shut down and reconnect it and it's working now again, very strange problem, don't know whats causing it.

Re: Strange problem with MF1 on Win 8.1

Just to let you know I manage to get work multiface properly now, don't know what I did but everything is okay now.