Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I´m not sure, but that sounds like your usb connection is programmed to load when computer is off


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Power share and continuous power (charge function) in standby are topics not relating to the Babyface but your computer. Check the manual and BIOS settings how to control/change that.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


I've been looking to buy the Babyface Pro in Toronto, Canada and I've been told that Babyface Pro has been recalled because of a bracket machining issue and that the item might be available only in mid/late December.

I've seen this item for sale in US … av-Search=

Are those ones OK to buy or better wait for the Toronto shipment?

Thank you for any info regarding this.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi! I've bought the Babyface Pro mainly as an upgrade to a cheaper PreAmp and because of the high gain range.

Now I've tested it with a condenser mic and a dynamic mic. The condenser produces a clean and powerful signal at 35 dB Gain.

The dynamic, namely the Shure SM7B on the other hand produced more of a headache to me. Have you tested this combo in your labs? Is it normal that it starts to get noisy above 45 dB Gain? (I usually record at 44.1 or 48khz, 24bit)
I want to use it for VO work but therefore I have to turn the Gain way up of course. 60 dB would be nice but in that region, the white noise is noticable to most ears especially between sentences but also during phrases.
I've tested the Cloudlifter CL1 already but it carries the noise level over. Of course I can set the Gain much lower but the noise is exactly as loud as with higher Gain without the CL1 then.

All in all the interface and all the inputs and outputs work very well, it makes my HDSP 9632 more or less useless. And I like the compact format of the Babyface. It would suit my needs perfectly if it worked better with the SM7.

Appreciate any ideas you might have on that topic!  smile

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I just purchased the Babyface PRO and installed Totalmix. I use reaper, but this issue happened in Studio One as well. First off, all levels seem fine in total mix. On the totalmix side, it seems like there are no problems. Whenever I try to record, I get an error soon after starting. It records fine for anywhere from 5 seconds to 3 minutes, then I get an error "There was an error opening the audio hardware: Error getting ASIO channels"

Any ideas?

I am using reaper in windows 10. Latest firmware on the Babyface PRO and latest drivers off the website.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Open the BF Pro Settings dialog, start record and watch out for errors shown.

You might try to use an external power supply for the Babyface Pro.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is there concern about longevity if the BF Pro is always powered on? I think the problem started when I changed my settings to have my USB ports power down when the computer was off (Because my BF Pro was always on)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I havent had a chance to try an external power source yet. I still get the "There was an error opening the audio hardware: Error getting ASIO channels" error whenever I clip the track as well.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I just purchased the baby face pro, I'm very excited. But I have a few questions. I'm still new to Voice Over, but I spent timE and money on training and equipment. So far I have been very lucky and can afford to upgrade. My mic is quality, but my mixer was low grade. So I am updating my computer and switching to audio interface. I currently run a mic to pre amp to compressor limiter to sonic maximizer to mixer then labtop.

My question is should I run a chain to the BF Pro? Mic, pre amp, compressor, sonic maximizer to BF Pro?

I realize the BF Pro has all I need within the device and DAW provided, but I'm looking for the highest quality sound possible.

I'm only running vocals and I have high end clients, so I'm wondering if I plug the mic directly into BF Pro, then directly to labtop? Or can I use any of my existing equipment to produce a better sound than than the BF Pro by itself.

I have been using audacity, will I still need it when recording mp3 audio files for cluents? Or does the BF Pro DAW provide the same function?

Does the BF Pro work with adobe?

110 (edited by whatudid2me 2015-11-30 09:32:46)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

danu wrote:


I've been looking to buy the Babyface Pro in Toronto, Canada and I've been told that Babyface Pro has been recalled because of a bracket machining issue and that the item might be available only in mid/late December.

Is that recall stuff really true? Finally I've pre-ordered a Babyface pro and they will send me when it's in stock (probably next week) but I see these kind of issues and broken sound wheel problems over the internet about Babyface Pro. I hope this party of Babyface Pro interfaces is not faulty.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

My local music shop just quoted me 6-8 weeks on the official RME power adapter for the BF Pro. Can someone post the Minimum and Maximum an adapter should be able to supply to work with the RME ?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The 'special' thing on the BF Pro adapter is the lockable connector. Otherwise any standard DC power adaptor will work, including RME's own. DC 9 to 18V, 1 Ampere or up, + center pin.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The website I've pre-ordered Babyface Pro delayed the shipping date as 12-11-2015 so i guess this is a good thing because of getting a fixed version of a Babyface Pro if the first party was faulty (like the bracket machining and broken sound wheel things). I can wait a couple of days more for a flawless RME smile


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

whatudid2me wrote:
danu wrote:


I've been looking to buy the Babyface Pro in Toronto, Canada and I've been told that Babyface Pro has been recalled because of a bracket machining issue and that the item might be available only in mid/late December.

Is that recall stuff really true? Finally I've pre-ordered a Babyface pro and they will send me when it's in stock (probably next week) but I see these kind of issues and broken sound wheel problems over the internet about Babyface Pro. I hope this party of Babyface Pro interfaces is not faulty.

Well in the end I've purchased the Babyface Pro from B&H … amp;sts=pi I hope the unit is OK. I've ordered the external power source from the Long&Mc Quade  Musical Store in Toronto: They said it will take around 2 weeks to get it. It was quite expensive ~$90 CDN (with taxes).

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

danu wrote:

Well in the end I've purchased the Babyface Pro from B&H … amp;sts=pi I hope the unit is OK. I've ordered the external power source from the Long&Mc Quade  Musical Store in Toronto: They said it will take around 2 weeks to get it. It was quite expensive ~$90 CDN (with taxes).

Well, thanks for the update. I'm still waiting for my Babyface Pro (pre-ordered), when it arrives I will write my opinions here too.

116 (edited by Be.0 2015-12-10 08:21:35)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I just got my Babyface Pro and <3 <3 <3... however, I'm having trouble using more than 2 channels of output with Linux in class compliant mode. I started a thread in the Linux forum with more details.

How can TotalMix control the Babyface Pro in class compliant mode on iPads? alsamixer and amixer show no controls for it on Linux.

Does anyone have recommendations for portable battery packs to use with the Babyface Pro? I'd love to use it outside with my Android phone and portable speakers big_smile

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Received my BFPro. Great piece of kit and set up some great routing for working with surround in Pro Tools (Adat to fold down out headphones and monitor outs) and mute buttons. Easy to be at the lowest sample settings too. My one question is about Dim. I'm surprised to see TotalMix has to be open for the dim light to work on the Babyface Pro. Is that correct? It seems to be the only hardware indicator that requires TotalMix to be running. If this is true, it'd be nice if a future firmware update changed this behaviour.

The other nice thing would be if you could set the button commands dependent on which input or output is selected. That could expand how many things could be setup. For instance I have global mute setup for A to do mute but it'd be nice if I could mute whatever output I have selected individually. Also more snapshot recalls could be setup (like when set to Adat out, B could toggle to a snapshot that removes the fold down)


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Dim works without TM FX open. Dim is always coupled to the channel configured as Main out. When not having that output selected at the BF Pro, Dim works, but its function is not indicated by the LED - because the currently selected output is indeed not dimmed. Change to the Main out and the Dim LED will light up.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I've tried the Dim function on multiple systems and I understand the assignments you mention, however the behaviour is consistent with no Dim light if Total Mix isn't running (and the correct output is set.)

On Windows 7 x64 and Windows 10, the dim light seems to function how you suggest. However that isn't actually true. If you close the TotalMix system tray icon (there by killing its services) by right click "Exit TotalMix" on the icon, the dim light will stop functioning. Not a big deal though because TotalMix auto runs in the tray on Windows on startup when the drivers are installed.

On Mac OS X 10.9.5 and 11, TotalMix does not start on startup by default installation. The Dim light does not work until TotalMix is started and if you close it, it stops working. I've since added TotalMix to start up on login hidden so the light works (among other things.)

Is this not the current expected behaviour (though strangely not mentioned in the manual)? You should be able to repeat my steps with the same results. I could even post video of this on both Windows and Mac.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

TM FX completely closed disables other features as well. You mentioned 'TM FX opened', which I understood as 'Window opened'. 'TM FX exit' is something completely different, of course.

Also on Mac TM FX does start as soon as you attach the BF Pro (via its agent running all the time in the background). Did you restart after the driver installation? Are you using the latest driver 2.14?

Matthias Carstens

121 (edited by DjSinae 2015-12-14 06:34:21)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi i want exact same quality output for 4 channel out.. djing/live situation.. why didnt you include 4 unemplified balanced output?
(that can be set as unballanced for live use)

it's always the same stupid story.. you company never study your client usage of your card..

seriously you have to stop this stupid one stereo out /headphone out .. you can use the same dac for headphone out but you need at least 4 mono output exactly the same (balanced\unbalanced)

it should be minimun 4 perfect dac line out and one perfect headphone amp and 4input with perfect preamp

also best is 16ch input/16output adat and madi in/out on same digital channel.. so one can use the card as both a djcard/live card and a center of a studio..

this should at similar price & similar size as current babyface pro.
i dont know on what planet you live..

you could take the world studios by storm with this kind of card if extremely stable and low latency..

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The Fireface UC, UCX, UFX, and 802 all include additional analog balanced outputs.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

123 (edited by whatudid2me 2015-12-15 03:07:58)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I got my BabyFace Pro today (it was backordered) there's no button issue, nor sound wheel, everyting seems working well. I'm impressed by the headphone amp, even my low sounding AKG 240's sound huge with the volume level at half of the scale. The only negative thing is the low "maximum input levels" of the inputs and having to use the PAD for external preamps. This was the only reason I was going to buy an UA Apollo USB but it works only with windows or Mac so I ended up with another RME. I think it's the best option for this price.

Soundwise it's amazing, converting quality is definitely better than the old BabyFace if what I hear is not physiological. I can even hear all of the background noises in commercial tracks which my Focusrite even doesn't come close.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Having a PAD is not 'negative', as it doesn't influence the sound at all. It just reduces the input level.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I know Matthias, it's an advantage to the old Babyface version which it did not have any Pad option. I just wanted to say that I wish without using a pad Babyface Pro had the capability of receiving the signals up to 20 dBu just like the UA Apollo Twin. And yes you are right it reduces the input level but I heard that using a PAD kills the transients. Anyways I'll do recordings with the PAD and without the PAD of the Babyface and my preamp's attenuator and will share my feedback here.

Thanks for your interest, this customer service is one of the main reasons I did stick with RME.

126 (edited by Be.0 2015-12-15 07:56:22)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Regarding Android use, I put a powered USB hub between the OTG adapter and the Babyface Pro to power it, although I'd still like to get a portable battery. I use Cyanogenmod 12.1 on my Galaxy S3. It seems to try to switch output to the Babyface Pro but something isn't quite working. I opened a bug report for CyanogenMod for this.

DjSinae wrote:

Hi i want exact same quality output for 4 channel out.. djing/live situation.. why didnt you include 4 unemplified balanced output?
(that can be set as unballanced for live use)

it's always the same stupid story.. you company never study your client usage of your card..

seriously you have to stop this stupid one stereo out /headphone out .. you can use the same dac for headphone out but you need at least 4 mono output exactly the same (balanced\unbalanced)

it should be minimun 4 perfect dac line out and one perfect headphone amp and 4input with perfect preamp

also best is 16ch input/16output adat and madi in/out on same digital channel.. so one can use the card as both a djcard/live card and a center of a studio..

this should at similar price & similar size as current babyface pro.
i dont know on what planet you live..

you could take the world studios by storm with this kind of card if extremely stable and low latency..

No need to be so aggressive. The folks at RME clearly put a lot of love into this device. Complaining that one small USB device isn't the most perfectly convenient device for your particular use case--which is a niche that this device is not marketed for--is not really helpful. There is limited physical space on the device so I don't think any more connectors could fit without making the whole thing bigger, which would make it unnecessarily bulky for the majority of users of this device.

Why not mix on your computer and send the master output straight to the PA without going through a mixer? An excellent sounding set is more important than a few seconds of dead air to switch the cables over from a mixer to a Babyface Pro. If you really want to send 4 channels to a DJ mixer, you could use XLR to RCA adapters on the Babyface Pro's main outputs and an 1/8" TRS to double RCA Y cable on the headphone output. Note that the XLR outputs are not servo balanced, so pin 3 should be left floating rather than shorted to pin 1 or there may be higher distortion and power consumption (according to the manual). This would also reduce the level by half (6 dB), but with a max output of +19 dBu, I don't think a +13 dBu signal going into a DJ mixer would be too weak of a signal.

How would 4 balanced outputs be helpful for DJing? I've never seen a DJ mixer with balanced inputs except for the microphone inputs, and that is including high end $2000+ mixers. IME they all have RCA inputs. Which, IMO, is another reason to cut it out from the signal chain. wink


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

whatudid2me wrote:

I know Matthias, it's an advantage to the old Babyface version which it did not have any Pad option. I just wanted to say that I wish without using a pad Babyface Pro had the capability of receiving the signals up to 20 dBu just like the UA Apollo Twin.

I don't own one, but according to its user manual the Line input is just a fixed PAD stage in front of the mic preamp (see block diagram). So the only thing you gain is TRS connectivity at up to 20 dBu. That is possible with the BF Pro by using a simple cable TRS to XLR...

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I installed the interface and driver this morning and after a restart windows would not start up.  I had to roll back to a previous restore point.  Any ideas of how to get past that? 

Win 7 SP1
-7 2600 CPU @3.4GHz
24GB Ram

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:
whatudid2me wrote:

I know Matthias, it's an advantage to the old Babyface version which it did not have any Pad option. I just wanted to say that I wish without using a pad Babyface Pro had the capability of receiving the signals up to 20 dBu just like the UA Apollo Twin.

I don't own one, but according to its user manual the Line input is just a fixed PAD stage in front of the mic preamp (see block diagram). So the only thing you gain is TRS connectivity at up to 20 dBu. That is possible with the BF Pro by using a simple cable TRS to XLR...

Good to know that, then again I feel that I made the right choice. Thanks for the valuable information Matthias.

130 (edited by whatudid2me 2015-12-15 16:51:27)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

seriallab wrote:

I installed the interface and driver this morning and after a restart windows would not start up.  I had to roll back to a previous restore point.  Any ideas of how to get past that? 

Win 7 SP1
-7 2600 CPU @3.4GHz
24GB Ram


just download the free crash analyzer program "whocrashed" and find out what did you give that error. It will give you lots of details etc. too. Then you can upload your screencap and we can discuss here.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Ahh too late. I have used a system restore point already because I needed to get back to work.  Maybe I can try it out this weekend.

132 (edited by whatudid2me 2015-12-15 17:05:16)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Yes, you can reinstall again and if it gives the same error, open OS in safe mode and analyze the chrash. Whochrashed should  both work in normal and the safe mode. I've encountered the same problem with a Steinberg UR242 it was chrashing all the time was giving bluescreens in my Win8 64-bit, the computer was taking forever to start, everything sorted out after I uninstalled the drivers. I couldn't solve my Steinberg problem and sent the interface back to the seller because of the bad customer service (their forum is kind of dead too) but I'm pretty sure you can sort it out yours with RME as long as you give the feedback to the customer service or here they will fix. If RME customer support can't fix a driver problem no other one can smile

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thank you.  I am returning the interface.  I tried to install it again and Windows wouldn't even start up in safe or normal mode.  I ended up having to do a system restore again to get windows loading again.  The system runs fine until the RME driver is installed.  Pretty odd.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

Also on Mac TM FX does start as soon as you attach the BF Pro (via its agent running all the time in the background). Did you restart after the driver installation? Are you using the latest driver 2.14?

I did indeed get ahead on the install process by putting TotalMix as a login item before checking if an agent would launch it. It does launch so everything is running as expected (and well) on both Mac and Windows--though the driver is 2.10 (2). Is there a 2.14 that isn't on the website yet?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Indeed: …

Will be officially released later today.

Matthias Carstens

136 (edited by whatudid2me 2015-12-17 22:01:26)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


So far I'm pretty happy with my BabyFace Pro, the only flaw I could find is in Windows 8.1-64 bit if I click "Safely Remove Hardware icon" on the lower right hand of the screen and then disconnect the Babyface device virtually (I don't disconnect the usb cable of BabyFace Pro) then take my laptop to stand by mode when I wake up my Laptop BabyFace Pro does not start to work again.

But if I just close the laptop screen and take my computer to stand by mode and then open the screen again BabyFace Pro works and wakes up normally. If I use the "Safely Remove Hardware icon" I have to unplug and plug the usb cable again BabyFace to work, is that normal?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

That's normal for all Windows devices and how it should operate. When you tell it to safely disconnect, you're telling the Operating System to disengage with it and all processes. Until you re-initialize the device (unplug/replug) the computer has been told to ignore it. The more surprising thing is you aren't physically disconnecting the BFPro after you told the OS you were removing it. I don't think I can understand why you'd do this. But this is absolutely the way Windows devices are supposed to work.

138 (edited by whatudid2me 2015-12-17 22:13:05)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thank you so much for the info rightbrain. I tried to do that because my laptop has a function in some of its usb ports which can supply voltage even if it's in stand by mode (its designed for charging phones even when your laptop is not working). So I was testing the usb ports then I realized that because when I do that BabyFace Pro's lights stay lit but it does not work smile

139 (edited by Manuel 2015-12-23 10:44:55)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

Of course there will always be people who need something different than what the unit offers. [...] ADAT on the side is terrible? Interestingly no one of the development team liked the idea. You have to see it live and use it on your desktop to realize: 2 thin cables going away from the side, very flexible so they can be bent to the back easily, are simply no problem at all. We did our best with the included 90° angled USB connector to keep cables not spreading out everywhere, but in real-world it simply isn’t an issue at all.

In a forum someone complained about the phones outputs on the right side, claiming that these have to be at the front. This would have the disadvantage of your wrist/hand lying on them all the time while using the big knob or buttons…one can’t be more wrong than that, it seems.

We, the development team as well as a few experts from our global distribution network have the pleasure to use the Babyface Pro daily. While some would call it ‘testing’, we enjoy it as listening to music, doing recordings, operating the simple user surface (without having to read the manual), changing between online modes on Mac and PC, stand-alone mode and Class Compliant operation, easily, quickly, and with no hassle at all. This unit is more fun than anything else we ever built. And you need serious threats to get a unit back from those who had the chance to try it!

DC power, MIDI breakout and ADAT on the side are IMO not a big deal because these connectors are the least frequently used ones, especially when being used as a portable audio interface. Plus, putting these on the front would be even more bizarre.

But I keep wondering if using TRS connectors instead of XLR for the outputs may have allowed enough room for the USB connector to go on the rear too. Also, I don't understand why XLR was chosen for the outputs: connectors are bulkier, heavier and more expensive than TRS, and force us to buy new cables because all previous RME audio interfaces used TRS.

Headphone outs and instrument ins on the side are IMO not great, in spite of what MC said, for the following reasons:

  • If the headphone jack is on the side and you tug on it, it will slide out of the connector if enough pull is applied. However, if the connector is on the side, it will not slide out.

  • Cables sticking out of the front are, in practice, not a big deal at all. I'd like to ask anyone here who owns a Fireface how often they control volume using the single knob. I own one and I've got it tucked away and basically forget it's there. Instead, I control volume from either Totalmix or using a third-party tool that maps the global volume keys on my keyboard to faders in Totalmix. This means my hand does NOT spend most of the time hovering above or near the audio interface, which apparently was the basis for the connector layout of the BF Pro, but on the mouse and keyboard. Therefore cables sticking out of the front would have more benefits than drawbacks, IMHO. What's really needed, as requested many times before, is for RME to allow mapping the master volume to global volume keys on the keyboard rather than relying on third-party MIDI work-arounds.

  • Connectors front and rear result in neater cabling and are easier to access, especially on a device that's intended to be mobile i.e. to  be used in spaces where little space may be available.

I apologize if some of these design decisions also took into account PCB layout which, of course, we end users cannot see.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Do you have the Babyface Pro? I would not want front connections. Your hand does sit over the knob unlike the FF800. The Fireface is rack mounted. The Babyface Pro is a desk unit. That's a huge difference. In addition to volume, the select buttons are way more in use. I mute, adjust volume, talkback, and control the mic pres all from there so my hand does hover over the controller. It is as much a monitor controller as an audio interface.

As for XLR... They already had it on the back for the mic pres. Using it as the outputs 1-2 makes sense as the space (thickness) was already created for the mic pres. Putting TRS out for output 1-2 would mean stacking connectors if you wanted to add more connectors back there. Hand space for plugging/unplugging is limited (you'd have to pull on the cable) if you started stacking connectors. One of the dumbest designs is MOTU's front panel knobs-- they don't actually leave enough room around them to actually use the controls comfortably. I'm glad RME did not go down that path. In addition, most active speaker monitors use XLR in and not TRS. You can use a standard mic cable as it is. If you needed TRS ended cables, that would be a special cable to be found when traveling.

Only hardware things I'd want different are:

1) Locking XLR connectors. The hold by "compression" does not feel secure and I prefer the XLR cables to "click" into place. It seems doubly silly since the power connector is a locking type (something RME touts). I can see one reason RME would find the non-locking XLR advantageous: all sides of the device are smooth so nothing will "snag" on anything while traveling. I would still take locking XLR because once again, the compression hold does not feel secure if you move the device around on your desk.

2) TRS inputs for inputs 3-4 instead of TS. TRS can always be TS but not the other way around and as someone who is more likely to need line in instead of Hi-Z in (not everyone is a guitar player!), I'd have preferred balanced in. Better yet, switchable input impedance (from TotalMix or auto detect balanced TRS) on the TRS in so it could have been both Hi-Z load and regular. It's already a bit strange the Hi-Z is only 470k Ohm instead of at least 1-2M ohm like most Hi Z.

Other than that, ergonomics are great. I'd always take a few more assignable buttons but that is just to be able to use more features from the remote. It'd be great if in a future update RME allowed the current buttons to have multiple assignablity depending on the output selected. That could be done by software and would increase how many things button A and B could be used for (for instance mute the current output or recall snapshots depending on the output)

141 (edited by Manuel 2015-12-23 17:30:11)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Some good points there. Still, TRS instead of XLR for the outputs would have been better even if they don't make full use of the available space, simply because that's what all other RME products use. Now I need different cables (or adapters) depending on which audio interface I'm using, which is not convenient.

Balanced inputs 3-4 would have been nice. Also microphone inputs that double as instrument inputs and balanced line inputs would have been great.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I like the XLR outputs because all of my monitors have XLR inputs except the small Genelecs which are using cinch - was no problem too because I had two cables laying around smile

I have the unit since a few days now and I like it like it is - sure there are "wishes" like TRS instead of TS and additional spdif I/O coax, but nothing is a real deal breaker at least for me.

So boys and girls from RME, a nice Interface you have

happy christmas


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Why button labeled " A set" doesn't light when pressed??? all other buttons work correct.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

dpoul wrote:

Why button labeled " A set" doesn't light when pressed??? all other buttons work correct.

It does for me. I setup what it does in TotalMix (options>key command settings) so that it toggles.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

rightbrain wrote:
dpoul wrote:

Why button labeled " A set" doesn't light when pressed??? all other buttons work correct.

It does for me. I setup what it does in TotalMix (options>key command settings) so that it toggles.

Thank you very, very much!!! It work, All work perfect!!!

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MarcusMicksch wrote:

Hi! I've bought the Babyface Pro mainly as an upgrade to a cheaper PreAmp and because of the high gain range.

Now I've tested it with a condenser mic and a dynamic mic. The condenser produces a clean and powerful signal at 35 dB Gain.

The dynamic, namely the Shure SM7B on the other hand produced more of a headache to me. Have you tested this combo in your labs? Is it normal that it starts to get noisy above 45 dB Gain? (I usually record at 44.1 or 48khz, 24bit)
I want to use it for VO work but therefore I have to turn the Gain way up of course. 60 dB would be nice but in that region, the white noise is noticable to most ears especially between sentences but also during phrases.
I've tested the Cloudlifter CL1 already but it carries the noise level over. Of course I can set the Gain much lower but the noise is exactly as loud as with higher Gain without the CL1 then.

All in all the interface and all the inputs and outputs work very well, it makes my HDSP 9632 more or less useless. And I like the compact format of the Babyface. It would suit my needs perfectly if it worked better with the SM7.

Appreciate any ideas you might have on that topic!  smile

I have exactly the same issue with my Shure SM58 as you have...curiously I had the same issue with my previous babyface (the original version) but at least the hiss level was workable..could you figure it out?  or this is just the way it is ?...please help...  other than that I don't have any complains with my new BFP

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

With my 5 years old blue babyface I get a decent SNR by setting the gain knob to 48-51 when working with my dynamic mics like the sm58 or AKG D5... in my babyface pro when I set the knob to that same level I'm not getting that much I need to set the gain knob to at least 54 but then hiss noise becomes pretty noticeable and somewhat annoying....why? I thought the AD converters of the BFP were less noisy...I don't get it...

please anyone using the BFP with dynamic mics with no issues at this levels? maybe am I missing something?...

My condensers mics work just as good as they do with my blue babyface. and the sound output works fine no issues at all.  But this issue makes my BFP practically unusable with my dynamic mics.

please someone who can give me a clue?..maybe I got a defective unit and being an early adopter is becoming an extreme sport? 



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

This is weird. I don't have any dynamic microphone but I will try to borrow one and make a test if I can.

Current: RME UCX II
Previous: Multiface > Fireface 800 > Babyface > Babyface Pro > Babyface Pro FS

149 (edited by bapemos 2016-01-07 17:25:08)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

bapemos wrote:

With my 5 years old blue babyface I get a decent SNR by setting the gain knob to 48-51 when working with my dynamic mics like the sm58 or AKG D5... in my babyface pro when I set the knob to that same level I'm not getting that much I need to set the gain knob to at least 54 but then hiss noise becomes pretty noticeable and somewhat annoying....why? I thought the AD converters of the BFP were less noisy...I don't get it...

please anyone using the BFP with dynamic mics with no issues at this levels? maybe am I missing something?...

My condensers mics work just as good as they do with my blue babyface. and the sound output works fine no issues at all.  But this issue makes my BFP practically unusable with my dynamic mics.

please someone who can give me a clue?..maybe I got a defective unit and being an early adopter is becoming an extreme sport? 


Alright..finally I figured it looks like my BFP didn't like any of my XLR cables, I got a new one (cheaper!..go figure) AND also  purchased another gold USB cable. Only worked when changed those 2 variables.

Now everything is perfect, plays nice, crystal clear with my dynamic mics, ..even better than my blue babyface I would say. Looks like It was a combo problem of incompatible(??) XLR cables and a defective USB cable( I don't care about the cable, it was too short for my needs anyways smile ) so I'm fine with that, now I can get to work. thanks.

(PD: I wouldn't say my XLR cables are defective because they work fine with my other interfaces...weird.)


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hmmm you make me want to try another instrument jack to see if I get a better sound level with my Telecaster (see few post before) smile !

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