1 (edited by all 2015-05-25 14:28:33)

Topic: mouse vs midi, take over mode

hi rme !

just saying : maybe you're familiar with the ableton live preference : "take over mode" (in midi sync) : there is this choice "pickup" of a nice behaviour when using midi command over software value : let's say this ableton knob is at 10 on 20 but your physical midi controller is all way down, and then when scaling up (or down), the knob will wait for your physical to reach 10 to scale up (or down) => no jump... ((in french : graduer)). dunno if it's clear. the fact is, when controlling totalmix with bcr 2000, sometimes, my physical radio button is all way down (since i did never succeed in having totalmix midi feedback over bcr) but the fader i want to scale up, is, let's say half way, and : damn ! the fader goes down immediately, before scaling up...=> JUMP !

so what about a takeover mode à la ableton, aka PICKUP that makes gap between TMFX real values and midi ctrler not a big deal, with a kinda smooth transition.

just saying...

cheers, all


Re: mouse vs midi, take over mode

I never used the BCR2000. Are you using Mackie protocol? Is that 'physical radio button' and endless encoder? In that case this is your real problem:

> (since i did never succeed in having totalmix midi feedback over bcr)

Some simple setup error somewhere, as it works for anyone else.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by all 2015-05-26 09:40:19)

Re: mouse vs midi, take over mode

hi mc ! (and thank you for quick answer)

aaaah great to hear that it's me who made a mistake (for 4 years lol) AND nevertheless TMFX feedback is possible.

so, yes, endless encoder. the bcr is corded with old school din midi in/out to the ufx, port 1. in abelton with same midi port, transmitting & feedback is ok. in TMFX never succeed. and euh mackie protocol ? well i must admit i don't really know how to deal with this mackie protocol : for the moment : enable midi control is enable, bcR2000 => TMFX, volume transmiting is ok. ok let's try this mackie protocol, sooooo, hum, so i did this :test... euh ???

ufx mac10.7.5 TMFX 1.04

4 (edited by all 2015-05-26 09:38:28)

Re: mouse vs midi, take over mode

well, the newly brown section is not giving feedback to the bcr. i understand i'm complety stranger to this mackie thing or maybe the bcr can not achieve this. well i'm a bit lost, but i can say all i want is just to avoid jump in volume (at least outputs), no more.

Re: mouse vs midi, take over mode

is there any bcr2000 user over there ?


Re: mouse vs midi, take over mode

Yes, if moving a fader in TM FX the LED ring of the encoder should indicate that. I am not sure about your remark on Ableton - it has nothing to do with this and should not be on the same port. Mackie protocol is not multi-client, so to say.

Did you check Options - Submix linked to MIDI Control - 1?
Do you see MIDI activity when turning the encoder or moving a TM FX fader via the MIDI State LEDs on the UFX front panel?

Is the BCR in Mackie Cubase mode?

Matthias Carstens

Re: mouse vs midi, take over mode

thanks for giving your time mc...

1/ well, actually i was telling about ableton bla bla bla just for saying that the din cables are ok, the midi port is ok, and that was not a matter of something broken, for a start. the information can go in and out. and then yes, submix linked to midi control is ok, as my screenshot may tell. and yes led on the ufx is ok ((in)) + ((out)) for the brown channels. but no feedback, yet. only ((in)) on the ufx led, for the non browns channels.

2/ and dunno about my BCR beeing on mackie mode, since there is no such a specificationin the manual.

2/ and TADAAAA, with this ((((learn function)))) on the BCR i can have the feedback !!!! on the brown ones, only.
so it seems to be kinda work around, uh ?!. the question is now : how to choose which channels can be brownified-mackified, thus feedback enabled on the bcr via this BCR's learn function?


Re: mouse vs midi, take over mode

2/ That is the point: if you didn't change the BCR into Mackie mode it will not work. And maybe it is not even possible to do so, only with the BCF2000. Don't have, don't know, Google didn't help either.

Matthias Carstens

Re: mouse vs midi, take over mode

ok. thank you mc.

10 (edited by all 2015-05-27 10:28:42)

Re: mouse vs midi, take over mode

ok, i won't bother this forum anymore, since BCR2000 don't and won't never have this mackie protocol. but a last thing, as a résumé + a bonus : even with no mackie implementation, within the BCR2000 i can ((learn)) feedback from the brown mackified inputs => no more jump  for theses ! (well actually i was more interested in sofware + outputs, but u know...). and i can't for the other ones. BUT the master (i try with every channels), since i succeeded in teaching the BCR the TMFX ((main)) midi out signal !. well i think that's because (p 75 of my paper manual) "the main can also be controled by the standard CC volume"... so i am quite happy because from now, my main outputs won't jump anymore...