1 (edited by starspread 2015-06-08 22:25:57)

Topic: Possible bug in HDSPe mixer (solved)


I have a Multiface1/PCIe-cardbus connected to an PCIe->PCIe-cardbus adapter on my MacPro (2008) and a Madiface/PCIe-cardbus connected to a same PCIe-cardbus adapter model on another PCIe socket. Everything is working fine except for the HDSPe Mixer which moves the saved presets between those two units after reboots/cold startups. For example: When i save a preset on the Multiface unit with the name "Test1" it gets moved to the Madiface mixer after a reboot/cold startup. When i edit the mixer's .plist file and change the Lines named Preset from "Preset 1 (0)" to "Preset 1 (1)" then it works after a reboot, but only till the next reboot/cold startup. Maybe i'm just missing something, but i don't think this is normal, or is it? Btw, i'm not using the new Totalmixer since i really like the old mixer more, at least with my Multiface. Thanks for any suggestions.


Re: Possible bug in HDSPe mixer (solved)

By not using the new TM FX you indeed miss not only something but a lot. The old TM is no longer supported, so no matter if this is a bug or not it will not get checked or fixed. Please use TM FX and check if it works then. If not we will investigate.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Possible bug in HDSPe mixer (solved)


I installed TMFX and it works very well! So it seems that it was HDSPe Mixer which had this bug only. Anyway, thanks for your reply!