Topic: Connection of both AI4S-192 AIO and AO4S-192 AIO to HDSPe AIO


does anyone know how to connect these 3 cards?

The main card just has one connector so one expansion card should go there.
I had that working, but now when I recieved the second expansion card I cannot understand how to connect it.

Should it go to the first expansion card and if yes, which one of the X100 or X101 connector?

Best, Anders

Re: Connection of both AI4S-192 AIO and AO4S-192 AIO to HDSPe AIO

AI4S X100 connects to the AIO card. AI4S X101 connects to the AO4S X100.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Connection of both AI4S-192 AIO and AO4S-192 AIO to HDSPe AIO

Thanks Jeff!

Rme Staff told me that both expansion cards should be connected directly to the main card... which confused me a bit. :-)
Now it works!
