Topic: simple direct routing out

Hi Guys,
Does anyone know how to do a simple routing out to a 8 track tape machine with a UFX?
Im trying to go out of channel 1-8 into channel 1-8 of tape machine but cant seem to figure out the routing in totalmix.
For instance I dont see channel 1 or 2 in the output box on the bottom of the total mix screen. just 3,4,5, etc.
Also I get a master out (all channels) on the few tracks that somehow are making it to the Tape machine. I checked protools and the Tape machine so I'm guessing its a total mix issue. Probably very simple fix.
Any idea?

Re: simple direct routing out

Output 1/2 is set as "Main" in the TotalMix FX control room section.

Just go to Options > Reset Mix > Straight Playback to get 1:1 routing from software out to hardware out.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.