1 (edited by riffwraith 2015-11-14 05:12:59)

Topic: RME HDSPe AIO and breakout cable Q

Hi all. smile

Looking to get an RME HDSPe AIO for my W7 computer. With it, I will be getting a RME BO9632XLRMKH breakout cable.

Here's the Q: in looking at a pic of the card, I see a 9-pin connector, and a 15-pin. The breakout cable I am getting is of the 15-pin variety... can I run a second cable from he 9-pin, that will give me at least a second stereo out pair?

Thanks in advance.


Re: RME HDSPe AIO and breakout cable Q

The headphone output already is the second stereo out pair. The 9 pin only hosts digital I/Os.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME HDSPe AIO and breakout cable Q

Thanks for the response.  Not sure what the headphone output has to do with anything?

Re: RME HDSPe AIO and breakout cable Q

Headphone output = second analog output (stereo).

Re: RME HDSPe AIO and breakout cable Q
