Topic: Help with external fx / Loopback

Hello, I would like to connect an analog filter to my Multiface II in order to route any sound from Ableton to this filter and then record the output in the daw.

I've sent one output to the filter input, then the filter output to the first input of the sound card, but I always hear the dry signal too.
When I would like to obtain a behavior like:

sound -> filter -> Rme Multiface

Is this setup called loopback?
Please give me a suggestion, thanks.

Re: Help with external fx / Loopback

Loopback sends the output signal to an input channel internally inside the Multiface system. Like connecting a cable between Analog Out 1 and Analog In 1. That does not apply here, since you are using an external hardware effect.

If you want to monitor only the effected signal, that is set up in TotalMix. Select your monitoring output submix in the bottom row, pull down the middle row (playback) fader with dry signal, and pull up the top row (input) fader with the effected sound.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Help with external fx / Loopback

Thank you for the explanation Jeff, it worked like a charm.
