Topic: Using Cubase And Wavelab together with different sample rates?

HDSP 9652 user. Maybe this is a 'noob' question, but it's actually been driving me nuts for a couple years now. Since I went from Windows 7/32 to Windows 7/64.

I used to use Wavelab 4 with Cubase with my RME multi-client interface under Win 7/32. I -swear- I could have a 48khz project open in Cubase with Wavelab also open working on 44.1 files at the same time. The 'trick' was to assign Cubase to RME channels 1,2 and Wavelab to RME channels 5,6.

Now, fast forward to today. I'm using Win 7/64 with Wavelab 7/64 and Cubase 8.5/64.

Somewhere after upgrading to Windows 7/64 bits... I don't remember exactly when... the following problem started:

If I have a 48khz project open in Cubase and then open Wavelab with a 44.1 file. The moment I hit Play in Wavelab, I get the dreaded...

                               Adjust Sample Rate?

.....dialog in Cubase.

Whether you answer Yes or No, the Cubase project now slows down (adjusts) to the 44.1 rate... EVEN THOUGH I'M NOT USING THE SAME RME CHANNELS.

I thought the whole point of a multi-client ASIO interface was that two programs (like WL and Cubase) could truly operate independently.

Is there a way to get back to how it used to be? (ie. that I could use WL and Cubase at the same time working on files of different sample rates.)



Re: Using Cubase And Wavelab together with different sample rates?

Not possible when using ASIO drivers. If one of the two uses WDM, it is possible, then Windows will convert the sample rate to whatever the card is phyically running at.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Using Cubase And Wavelab together with different sample rates?

RME Support wrote:

Not possible when using ASIO drivers. If one of the two uses WDM, it is possible, then Windows will convert the sample rate to whatever the card is phyically running at.

Daniel Fuchs

Thanks Daniel.

Can you instruct me how to set either Cubase or WL to use the WDM driver as opposed to the ASIO?

Re: Using Cubase And Wavelab together with different sample rates?

Best is to set wavelab to WDM. You can do that in setting, audio setup of wavelab.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632