Topic: 9632 + 9652


I have just bought 2 RME HDSP cards :
- 9632 (+ digital s/pdif cable)
- 9652
I want to play an axisting track from 9652 -> go to an outbord digital effect (not audio) -> record the signal if in the 9632 through its digital cable.

However, I cannot see any signal coming into the 9632 (with or without the digital outbord between the 2 cards).
I wonder : Isn't it possible to record in the 9632 what the 9652 is playing?
Note Digicheck confirms the lack of signal.

Thank you in advance.

Re: 9632 + 9652

What exactly are you connecting (cable type & digital format)? Do you have sync configured for the 2 cards?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.