1 (edited by larss 2017-01-22 02:56:00)

Topic: ADI 2 PRO XLR interconnect cable recommendation

It is a hot topic when get into cables. I can really hear a big difference between Mogami and van Damme cables when used with the ADI 2 Pro which by the way sounds extraordinary , to the monitors. A great unit.
Well, I still think its room for improvement with regard to matching the unit with the XLR cables.
Curious what you recommend and if any special brand been used when developing this extraordinary unit.

Thanks for info.


Re: ADI 2 PRO XLR interconnect cable recommendation

i am using shielded VOVOX cables to connect my ADI-2 PRO to my ADAM P11A speakers,
they seem just fine for me.

3 (edited by attilafaravelli 2017-01-22 03:04:09)

Re: ADI 2 PRO XLR interconnect cable recommendation

I'm using too Vovox cables, Sonorus direct, between the ADI-2 Pro and Genelec speakers. I haven't tried others though and I use them as interconnects just because they are my go to cables for field recording with stereo cardioids mics. I remember that when using the Vovox (Link direct) with my previous sound card i could hear a slight difference compared to generic XLR's, not as evident as with mics but it was there. Than a thief stole my bag with inside both the sound card and the Link directs:) so I got the new RME and the Sonorus.
If you wanna spend a fortune.. I heard that in some mastering rooms they use Wireworld cables..
http://www.wireworldcable.com/audio-int … #interctop
Vovox too makes crazily expensive interconnect cables, the ones that you can find on Thomann are the microphone - instrument ones, they are expensive as well but not as much as their interconnects.
Good luck:)