Topic: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

Is there any option for a remote volume controll?
Or is there any workaround to do so?

Adi-2 Pro, Adi-2 Dac Fs


Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

Sorry, no way.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?


Adi-2 Pro, Adi-2 Dac Fs

4 (edited by mr.r 2017-04-24 20:48:22)

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

Just as a feedback for RME. I had the same question and the same wish.

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

Workaround for a computer based environment … ort-DE-EN/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

6 (edited by mr.r 2017-04-26 20:44:26)

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

But you attenuate the digital out before the DAC. Isn't this degrading? I don't mean that digital attenuating at the DAC is degrading, but lowering the volume for the 24bit Spdif connection that is routed into the ADI 2 pro.

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

mr.r wrote:

But you attenuate the digital out before the DAC. Isn't this degrading? I don't mean that digital attenuating at the DAC is degrading, but lowering the volume for the 24bit Spdif connection that is routed into the ADI 2 pro.

Not sure whether this has big impact.

Same would happen with an "UFX+ only" environment without ADI-2 Pro behind it.

To be on the safe side you can leave volume on RayDAT or other device at 0dB which reflects your usual listening volume and fine tune volume at ADI-2 Pro.

Maybe RME could kindly comment to your question whether turning volume down on ARC USB at RayDAT  would have impact to the digital signal quality towards ADI-2 Pro, as I can only suggest this kind of "workaround".

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

8 (edited by mr.r 2017-04-26 22:40:52)

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

That would indeed be very interesting! When not, your workaround would be great. But when I buy a high quality DAC I want to be sure not to lose SQ due to this workaround.

I have to attenuate sometimes by 40-50db so that would mean that only a ~16bit stream over Spdif that goes into the the ADI-2 PRO.

I assume that lowering the volume digitally with totalmix directly before the DAC OR directly inside the ADI-2 PRo could be better due to the high internally bit resolution (At least I know that total mix has it, not sure how the ADI works).  But this is only educated guessing unfortunately.


Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

Can you define degrading? And what it really means?

The new manual 1.7 (most probably released today) includes a new chapter where the digital volume control is explained in detail. Talking about volume control in front of the output device there is no need for 32 bit, nor any degradation of the audio signal quality. SPDIF/AES gives you 144 dB of dynamic range (max SNR). With the ADI-2 Pro it means you cannot hear any noise. Now when reducing the level in front of the DAC you still can't hear any noise. Low level signals will vanish below the hearing threshold, but that is the same as when you reduce the signal after the DAC (and is also happening at 0 dB volume - do some real world checks on the maximum dynamic range in hearing in your listening situation).

The often mentioned loss in resolution as 'graininess, low level distortion and loss of background information' simply doesn't exist when digital volume is done correctly. This is explained in the manual by measuring deeply into the noise floor, with signals fully undistorted at -190 dBFS (!). And yes, this is still 24 bit.

Higher quality/bit depths are only necessary within the DAW, to avoid signal loss when you attenuate a lot and later decide to amplify it back to the original level. A totally different topic than a volume control in front of the output device.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

... the only way noise would become audible at some point is if you were to digitally attenuate by 60 db or more and then amplify again post-DAC by the same amount - but of course that would make no sense at all...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

11 (edited by mr.r 2017-04-29 16:29:13)

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

Thanks for the information. Good to know that the workaround with totalmix + controller as a remote volume control before die ADI-2 pro would work perfectly fine. I don't want the ADI 2 pro directly on my working desk, using it's pot to control my volume. I want it in near my speakers and want to use a remote on my desk.

I also love a remote because it's easier and cheaper to exchange (no down times when damaged, you can still operate without a remote) and prevent physical stress for the ADI. Turning a volume knob 8 hours a day over years is wearing for every device.

I would even think about to promote this workaround on the ADI 2 Pro information on your web page. I think it may attract some people which were initially disappointed because of the missing remote like me.


I think it's absolutely great that you share such information. Such questions may be sound stupid for you when you hear them so often, but there is so much half knowledge in the audio community that it's even difficult  for a scientific minded person to know what the facts are. We need explanations and education like that!

My worry was exactly what MC wrote , possible grainy sound, loss of details. Like when you hear a sampler with old 12bit or something were you really have a grainy artifical sound compared to the source  Very good to know that it's really all about noise floor for digital attenuation when done right, that's much less frightening, because it's way easier to detect.  .

Also thanks for the very pragmatic example by Daniel that even 60db attenuation (that can happen late at night here) is no problem at all in a listening environment, were the signal is of course not amplified after the DAC again before the loudspeaker (you want the volume lower...).

But I have one remaining question, what does MC means with 'digital volume is done correctly'. I would be very interested to understand the problem and how it should be done correctly. Is this already the case for the old Multiface?


Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

In earlier times of digital audio, the resolution of digital volume controls was often insufficient (also often due to insufficient calculation power available). Also techniques like rounding and dithering were not applied, or not applied correctly. That's where the bad reputation of digital volume control originates.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

All right, thanks again MC!

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

Hi MC,
I have babyface pro and upgraded to Adi 2 pro. My setup is mac mini with audirvana to adi via usb. Then directly to power mono blocks. With babyface I was able to control volume directly on babyface with wireless keyboard through audirvana which controled totalmix. Please could you make this simple volume control via usb to adi 2 pro? We are couple of guys who would really appreciate it. When I used 24 bit software volume control of audirvana, means no bit-perfect to adi, I've heard quality degradation. As adi 2 pro was developed for hifi guys :-) please add this essential funcionality. Thanks

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

Now, there is an solution for volume control

Buy the new unit. :-(

Adi-2 Pro, Adi-2 Dac Fs

16 (edited by rbbrnck 2017-12-15 14:53:27)

Re: Rme Adi 2 pro - remote volume controll?

yep, you're right: now there's the new unit :-)!

which was, and positively, developed with a keen eye to the needs of hifi guys and gals, or in general those who hardly have a use (and understanding, maybe) for half of what's been crammed into the PRO version.

wonder what the msrp of it will be, when it makes it to store shelves, or six months later.