Topic: RME UC - Input Mic 1 problem : very low sound with buzz

Hi everybody,

I just bought a used RME UC. I test it and I have found that my Input 1 have a problem. I tested all others inputs and outputs, it's ok.
For information, I have a Mac Mini Late 2012. I installed FireFace USB Setting, USB Series Flash Tools and Total Mix.
Driver 2.20 + Firmware v123 + TotalMix v1.4
I have set up all my TotalMix and I tested with a Moog Sub Phatty plug but without play any sound. When I test :
Mic 1 with 10db Gain I receive a signal at -83,3db
Mic 2 with 10db Gain I receive a signal at -96,7db
And when I play with my Sub Phatty :
Mic 1 with 10db Gain I receive a signal at -59,6db
Mic 2 with 10db Gain I receive a signal at -5,6db
When I inscrease the gain I just notice a noise with a buzz in Mic 1 and just noise in Mic 2.
When I remove a little my cable when I use Mic 1 I receive signal at normal level.
So my preamp is dead, no ?
If somebody can tell me how I can fix it it will be great, if I can't I think I give it back to my seller.
Thanks in advance for your advices!


Re: RME UC - Input Mic 1 problem : very low sound with buzz

> When I remove a little my cable when I use Mic 1 I receive signal at normal level. So my preamp is dead, no ?

Sounds more like a contact problem in the TRS socket instead of a 'dead preamp'. Tried other cables? If it's the socket it needs to be replaced. That needs costly service and you might return the unit unless you got it really cheap.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME UC - Input Mic 1 problem : very low sound with buzz

Thanks for your answer Matthias !
I have already tried other cables, TRS and TS. They don't work well on Mic 1 but perfectly on Mic 2 so I think problem come of the socket. Do you know how many cost for replacement ?
And I have one other question about MIDI. In my MIDI studio, I have
icon of RME UC (serial number) but it indicate that device is disconnected. I have also one MIDI USB Device (connected, with 2 Inputs and 2 Outputs) that correspond at my RME. When I rescan my RME didn't show as connected. So, in Ableton (MIDI setting of MIDI USB Device are activated) I can send Midi message with "Device MIDI USB (Port 1)" and when I play note on my keyboard I receive midi message. But I can't receive message when I turn my knob on my Moog Sub Phatty (with Sub Phatty Editor) like my other sound card.
Did you know how I can fix it (RME recognize in Studio MIDI, or other solutions) ? Thanks for your help and sorry if I should have opened a new topic for this question!


Re: RME UC - Input Mic 1 problem : very low sound with buzz

I don't know about the cost. The unit has to be disassembled completely, and then you need someone who can remove the socket out of a 4-layer PCB without breaking pads and vias. That is the hardest part.

Reagrding MIDI: delete both disconnect/reconnect the unit, make sure it is not in CC or Windows (PC) mode, then rescan. That should work. Sub Phatty Editor isn't known to me, sorry.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME UC - Input Mic 1 problem : very low sound with buzz

Thanks again for your answer !
I contacted my seller and I think I will give it him back. But in that case I want buy again this RME UC. For MIDI, I deleted both and I reconnect agin and now I have only MIDI USB DEVICE. RME UC (serial number) don't appear. I'm in Apple Mac mode. But what is "CC" when you say "make sure it is not in CC or Windows (PC) mode", it's about Class Compilant ? Normally it's my last question! I will tested it again, delete and reconnect unit. Thanks!

Re: RME UC - Input Mic 1 problem : very low sound with buzz

No CC mode for the UC, so disregard that...

Check  the  correct  firmware  version  by  a  double  click  on  the  rotary  encoder  button.  The
display  PC  means  Windows,  the  display  AP  means  Mac.  The  double  click  automatically
switches between both versions. Note: a change of state is only possible when the unit is
not connected to the computer.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RME UC - Input Mic 1 problem : very low sound with buzz

Ok thanks Daniel. I have already read the manuel about PC and AP mode and like I said I'm in AP so it's not this. I have tried again to delete device in STUDIO MIDI and reconnect RME UC but nothing only a DEVICE MIDI USB appear but not RME UC (serial number). I don't understand. Even if the problem isn't solved, thanks for your help!