1 (edited by baermathias 2017-04-13 12:40:53)

Topic: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse


I have the Babyface since yesterday and unfortunately it makes very strange sounds when I move my mouse or move a window around or scroll in my browser. I don't have this issues with my onboard audio controller! I have already tried the following things, which did NOT help:

Using different power strips
Using different power supply
Using different graphic card
Using different USB cables
Using different USB ports
Using powered USB Hub
Deactivating internal audio controller
Disconnecting display from power

My system contains the following devices:
Mainboard: Asus Prime X370 Pro
CPU: Ryzen 1800X
Power supply: Be Quiet 630 Watt

So how can I fix it? Does anybody have an idea? Is it the interface itself?

Many tanks and best regards

2 (edited by rob1982 2017-04-13 13:43:30)

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

I had this problem too when recording (not when playing back). you should use high quality balanced audio cables cause i think that is where the awful noise gets in. But i had good cables and still got the issue, so I decided it is interference from the computer power supply, unacceptable really for a £600 soundcard,

but I fixed it by buying something called a Behringher hum destroyer, route the offending audio cables through one or more of those and the awful digital noise goes away. and yes i am talking about mouse scrolling noise too, not just general AC hum


Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

Disconnect anything from the BF Pro. Connect only USB and a headphone. Listen to sound via the headphone. Then think again...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

@ MC it is true the hum is probably getting in via the audio cables and not the babyface pro because the headphone signal is clean as you quite rightly point out, however using the same cables and a different audio interface does not create this mouse noise and hum, so there is something with the babyface,, whether that  huge slab of aluminium acts as an antenna or causes a ground loop i don't know...

5 (edited by baermathias 2017-04-13 14:27:19)

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

@rob1982: If I use the hum destroyer, will I still get the same audio quality signal? Also the core problem was not solved with this solution. The sound will still be in the interface, it will just not be pointed out on the speakers or am I wrong?

I don't get why my internal sound controller is not making this noises. There are also several other people having this problem with the babyface, a quick google search shows the following results:

  • gearslutz.com/board/music-computers/886229-annoying-babyface-ground-loop-problem.html

  • forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=19878

  • forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=12471

Do you have more ideas for a solution? I have also ordered a PCIe USB card, maybe it will help.

What about the babyface power supply? Does it have three-pole (with grounding), so external hardware noise can be suppressed? Or maybe the internal resistance will be decreased with its use, is it possible?


Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

You found it already. Read about ground loops and solve the problem at the right place. Not the Babyface, but the external amp driving the speakers.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

I have now ordered also the following device and hope that either the PCIe USB card or the Palmer PLI-02 will help me. https://www.thomann.de/de/palmer_pli02_ … r_163407_0

I will let you know. Best regards

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

You can also try the cheaper alternative of disconnecting pin 1 (shield) from one side of the XLR cable.

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

OP the hum destroyer is a passive transformer so it should not cause any degradation of the audio. The noise is not 'inside' the babyface, it comes onto the external cables (Check this by listening through headphones). It could get inside if the affected cables are at the recording stage so when you record in it would also record the noise. If it is at the output stage though it should not be coming out of the soundcard. The hum destroyer should solve the issue anyway...

10 (edited by Timur Born 2017-04-14 16:20:11)

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

The noise originates from the motherboard's or graphic-card's VRM section and travels all ground-lines, this includes USB ground/shield and then XLR shield (pin 1). Coupled with the 3-prong power-supply plugs of your PC and amp/powered speakers you get a loop over mains earth.

Additional connections like your computer display can cause combing effects due to different length in cable connections, sometimes this causes cancellation of noise, sometimes it causes amplification of noise.

Break that XLR shield connection by whatever means (break pin 1 or Palmer box) and you should be good to go.

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

The noise is gone after using the "Ground Lift" button on the Palmer box.
Does it mean that it also would work with e.g. this cheaper ground lift adapter
https://www.thomann.de/de/neutrik_cgl1. … _141654_15
Since the Palmer box only works, when ground lift is pressed.

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

It will also work if you simply disconnect ground. Simply de-solder the ground connection at the XLR plug. Sometimes running the speaker amp ungrounded aslo works (or the speakers themselves if they are powered speakers). Try first what is easiest (and it is all free).

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

13 (edited by Timur Born 2017-04-21 10:58:59)

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

Like I wrote before, pin 1 on the XLR plug needs to be disconnected/unsoldered. Only do this on one (!) side of the cable, though, usually the speaker side. Try exchanging sides if you run into radio-frequency noise problems (BF <-> amp/powered speakers, amp <-> speakers).

A one-end-only shield connection increases the possibility of radio frequency (RF) interference since the shield may act as an antenna.

Look here for a thorough explanation: http://www.rane.com/note151.html

The "Pin 1" Problem

Many audio manufacturers, consciously or unconsciously, connect balanced shields to audio signal ground; pin 1 for 3-pin (XLR-type) connectors, the sleeve on 1/4" (6.35mm) jacks. Any currents induced into the shield modulate the ground where the shield is terminated. This also modulates the signal referenced to that ground. Normally great pains are taken by circuit designers to ensure "clean and quiet" audio signal grounds. It is surprising that the practice of draining noisy shield currents to audio signal ground is so widespread.

And here is the real source for the problem. My own Yamaha HS-80M internally connect chassis ground to signal ground (breaking XLR pin 1 solves the problem):

It is easy to confuse chassis ground and signal ground since they are usually connected together -- either directly or through one of several passive schemes.

One word of warning: Once you break XLR pin 1 you need to watch out a bit when you connect the USB cable to the BF while speakers are powered on and connected. You can get a somewhat loud "thump" noise when the USB plug's ground/shield connects to the BF, right before plugging it all the way in.

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

It works perfectly for me. Thanks a lot!

Timur Born wrote:

Like I wrote before, pin 1 on the XLR plug needs to be disconnected/unsoldered. Only do this on one (!) side of the cable, though, usually the speaker side. Try exchanging sides if you run into radio-frequency noise problems (BF <-> amp/powered speakers, amp <-> speakers).

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse


I have a similar problem than you.
I have purchase a used UFX.

I use a MacBook Pro OS Sierra 10.12.6. I have install the driver 3.222b (2023-05-10) on my mac and install a flash update (2023-08-24) to the UFX.

The sound out of all my outputs but in
the output XLR 1/2, sometime, there is a big noise like a distortion or digital feedback (no noise out others outputs). the sound is very loud for my ears and my speakers.
I can't see this noise in Totalmix meter. Now I'm afraid to use my speakers, I don't want to break them


Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

Make sure in TM FX all FX receive faders in third row are down. Check the display for errors, this used unit might have defective DSP/RAM that needs repair,.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse


I have try many possibility, this week-end :

> I have install the "Driver 3.222b (2023-05-10) with "flash update (2023-08-24) -> conclusion = loud distorsion sound

> I have install the "Driver 3.18 (2019-13-09) with "flash update (2023-08-24) -> conclusion = loud distorsion sound

> I have install the "Driver 3.18 (2019-13-09) with "flash update (2019-02-13) -> conclusion = loud distorsion sound

> I have try an other USB cable -> conclusion = loud distorsion sound

> I have try to use the UFX by firewire cable -> conclusion = loud distorsion sound

> I have try an other computer, I have use a Asus with windows 10  -> conclusion = loud distorsion sound

I don't know how resolve the problem. I would like to point out that this problem only occurs on the XLR 1/2 outputs.

I filmed it so you can see the problem.


At the start of the video, I send music from my macbook to the 1/2 XLR "main" output.

- At first the sound does not come out, but you can hear digital "clips" coming out of the speakers.
- Then we hear the sound coming out but very loud and very distorted
- And finally the sound comes out correctly at a normal level.

During the video, I don't touch anything on the UFX or my macbook.
We see that Totalmix does not display any particular problem.
No VU meter that saturates or alert...

I don't know what to do anymore, do you have any ideas?

I am very annoyed.

Thank you for your help

Re: Babyface Pro - LOUD noise when moving/scrolling mouse

My problem is resolved !

I have contact an electronician to change my outputs condensers and now I haven't noise !