Topic: babyface pro install help

hi all, new to forum and have never uploaded anything but am willing to try! I am searching for a more detailed instructional install package than the one I have seen on the internet.the babyface pro install appears very through, at a certain point however it states just follow the instructions from there. I would very much like a preview of what that may entail as I just do not suitable computer chops. I saw a great step by step instructional by Jeff on win xp that was closed there any thing like that for Win 10? and where would I find it please. Have just upgraded Qbase 5 to Qbase 9 artist and have a new off the shelf Lenovo win 10, intel 5 computer. I hope to find details like do u install interface with cubebase running? etc. wife will likely do most of heavy lifting! any help would appreciated.

win10 intel5,rme babyface,cubebase artist9.

Re: babyface pro install help

Hmm whats the problem ..

Installation of driver and firmwarr upgrades are described in the manual.

Only 2 files to download and execute/install from the download section of RME webserver plus optionally the installation of Digicheck.

Then inside of your DAW program (cubase, etc) you simply have to select the RME ASIO driver.

Optionally, like in Cubase, you select the required input and output channels.

On youtube there are certainly videos available which detail the process of selecting the ASIO driver inside of your particular DAW.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: babyface pro install help

thanks for your reply, because of my lack of expertise trying to dot the i and cross the t. Also, had recent misfortune with another interface(the one with the the plug-ins) had pro help with that install and it still went south. I am in a rural area slooow internet.12 hours to download cubebase..would the two files you mention be on the install disc. think that route would be best for me because of the internet download speed. no problem selecting the driver in qbase..picked up device today but did not notice stickers on the box indicating non-returnable if box is opened... have not gotten to the bottom of this so consequently have not yet had access to the manual If the the manual is explicit enough I should be ok for install. I have always heard rme was ez to install I'm just a bit nervous about it because I don't know what I'm doing! thanks again any reply is welcome

win10 intel5,rme babyface,cubebase artist9.

Re: babyface pro install help

A driver is not that big compared to download a complete Cubase version or patches.

Its something in the area of below 10MByte, compared to cubase patches that can be up to 400MB big or 2000+MB when downloading an ISO file of a complete installation DVD.

So don't worry and please perform both,
a) an upgrade of the firmware and
b) installation of the latest drivers to ensure
best user experience and that all known bugs are fixed.

The RME manual comes usually printed in DE/EN.

Also there I recommend to download the latest version as Matthias Carstens also upgrades all manuals very sccurate  (bugfixes, new functions).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: babyface pro install help

If you need a helping hand with TotalMix FX then I strongly recommend you to

A) read my TM FX primer which supports you in a few steps to learn basic operation to be able to
- perform basic steps and settings
- save and recall your routing & settings
- get a solid basement to further improve on even more useful functions … teps-DE-E/

B) watch the official RME tutorials on youtube which explains all in a kice illustrative way … al-Videos/

And some more advanced stuff for a little more comfort under Windows: … stendruck/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: babyface pro install help

ok thanks for your input/suggestions and had not mentally gotten as far as total mix, will be thrilled with correct driver/firmware install..what you suggest is exactly what I am looking for, though I may not have represented my request well. Have cleared up issue at music store and now have the manual to peruse, as well as the info you directed me to. Don't know if it will be tonight, if not certainly the coming weekend. again thank you..will post on progress

win10 intel5,rme babyface,cubebase artist9.

Re: babyface pro install help

Thanks, would be nice to hear how it worked out for you.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: babyface pro install help

Ha, its the "Good, the Bad, and the Ugly on my BF pro install....will give more detailed account later..

win10 intel5,rme babyface,cubebase artist9.

Re: babyface pro install help

Not so ugly after all, install was yesterday, meters showed signal in both cubebase and bf pro but no sound on a test vox in headphones... noticed today meter activity on output 1/2 but not on headphones. So have sound on speakers but not yet on the phones will keep poking around. Have not gotten far with total mix but if the tm is selected then Qbase will not run, this seems counter intuitive so would the solution be in options then? thanks for any help!

win10 intel5,rme babyface,cubebase artist9.

10 (edited by vinark 2017-05-08 20:13:29)

Re: babyface pro install help

In the cubase options. In Devices\Device setup, under  the asio selection. Something like disable audio engine when in background. Must be unticked!
And for the mic. Make sure you are in submix mode (not free mode) in TM select the bottom analogue1/2 output and then up de mic fader in the top row.
Hope this helps.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: babyface pro install help

ahh will look into Qbase options device setup...have not had much free time to play with it but solved rudimentary issues for now.
have headphone mix and speakers! Had purchased EZ drummer2 but it would not load into into Qbase was going to work on that but did a windows update last night and now a few oddities popping up (update product manager update check failed) hoping not the virus thing...thanks for the help friend!

win10 intel5,rme babyface,cubebase artist9.