A very good link!
A volume control pot then has a very limited operation area, and the master fader in TotalMix has to be lowered to below -20 dB constantly. This also raises concerns about reduced audio resolution. With such a level mismatch hum and noise can also become audible.
As said a lot of time here in the RME forum and also on the web site, there is no reduced "resolution" when digital leveling is done right. Therefore I don't get why it's mentioned here.
Thanks you very much for sharing this information about specific parts that are tested by RME. I'm thinking about getting two JTS Mic attenuator MA-123 now.
I always had the idea to do that but I didnt't want to mess with impedance mismatch and all this stuff that passiv volume control can do. You hear that a lot that passive volume control has disadvantages because of that. I'm not educated enough in electronics, is there any other thinkable disadvantage related to sound quality when using such a passive attenuator (worse transient response or something?
ps: Yes I power the speaker up last, that works. But I was just curious if this could prevented.