I simply wanted to present you an alternative, not more not less. I was aware of the price increase,
but not knowing your budget I wanted to give you an alternative.
Also not many people know about the i.e. very nice integration of the XTC as AUX device.
It could have been the case, that maybe such a solution might awake your interest.
Especially also, because with MADI you can scale much better.
If you read my post closely (hint: excel tabular) then you get at least some answer in regards to the RayDAT latencies.
In terms of clocking further answers follow.
Latencies of the RayDAT
Very low. See my Excel. Maybe you didn't find it on the 1st glimpse.
With an ASIO buffersize of 32 samples you have an input latency of 0,771ms and an output latency of 1,519ms.
The values are what Cubase reports (get told by the RME drviver). This is a round-trip time of 2,290 ms !!
The performance of other RME devices you also find there in the tabular.
At the end, all is very close to each other !
Other recording interface as Preamp on RayDAT
You find in the Excel also values how the Round Trip latency would be, if you connect i.e. an UFX to the RayDAT.
Which I did in the past. Quite nice, the only little burden is the extra work to do the channel mapping.
For my setup I found out there is no real difference between using UFX/UFX+ and the RayDAT.
I am using in my Cubase projects a Mix of 2-3 VST instruments and vocal / guiar tracks.
Further (synthetic) load tests I made with a 400 track Cubase project with a few VSTs in each track.
Also there I didn't find very much difference between UFX+ and RayDAT, only a little less CPU.
Maybe for your projects this can make a difference... you need to find it out on your own.
More to this topic and how to read the excel
If you connect the Antelope behind the RayDAT then you need to add their latency for AD/DA additionally.
For the RME UFX+ this would be i.e. 0,28ms + 0,16ms = 0,44ms additional.
So the total Round Trip Latency between the UFX+ in this case used as a preamp on a RayDAT would be:
2,290ms (RayDAT) + 0,44ms (UFX+ AD/DA) = 2,73ms
You need to look whether Antelope documents their AD/DA latencies somewhere in the handbook, then you can calculate the latency.
You might notice that the values of the UFX+ connected via USB3 are very close.
If you would have connected an UFX instead of the UFX+ to the RayDAT (which has higher latency for D/A = 0,63ms),
then the Round Trip Time would be higher
2,290ms (RayDAT) + 0,9ms (UFX AD/DA) = 3,19ms
So in this case taking the UFX+ alone would be better than the UFX as preamp in front of the RayDAT.
I tried to find out, whether I can find a significant difference, using the RayDAT or the USB3 based UFX+
on a very large ("synthetic") Cubase project:
http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … cks-de-en/
There was only a merely noticably lower CPU consumption.
So to sum up, yes the RayDAT is a very nice and stable card. If you want you can use it for your purpose.
If the RayDAT shall become the heart of the solution and you connect the Orion as preamp behind the RayDAT,
then the RayDAT should become clock master. If you change the sample frequency I regard it as
advantage that the directly attached card (in this case RayDAT) sets the clock for all devices behind it.
If its only the RayDAT and the Orion then I would use no WC and would rely on RMEs SteadyClock which
has a very good quality.
https://www.rme-audio.de/english/techin … yclock.htm
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14