1 (edited by vagelisda 2017-09-25 11:23:20)

Topic: Babyface inputs questions

Hi all.
I have a Babyface .
I read on the manual that the intsrument input ,is tied to analog input #2 .
My questions are;
A)If I haven't activated the "instr" button ,can I plug my modular synth into the instrument input?
Is it ok ?
B) if I do activate the instrument button in totalmix ,does the analog input #2 also get boosted ?
I hope my questions make sense ,my English are a bit rusty.
Thanks .

Re: Babyface inputs questions

Bump ,I bet someone knows the answer .

Re: Babyface inputs questions

On a channel that allows for INST input

If these channels are mono, then you can select instr for this mono channel.
If you make 2 channels stereo then you can select instr for stereo.

This you should be able to try out quicker in TM than actually typing the question wink

Look at the handbook for the values of an INSTR channel, this makes most sense for i.e. guitars / pickups to be connected.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

4 (edited by vagelisda 2017-09-26 08:54:07)

Re: Babyface inputs questions

I'm sorry but I don't fully understand your syntax.
What stereo and mono have to do with what I aksed ?
Isn't instrument input only mono?
I'm afraid I don't get you ,sorry.
I just asked if I can hook up there my modular synth,I mean ,if I can turn OFF instrument mode ,it means that it has another use ?

ramses wrote:

On a channel that allows for INST input

If these channels are mono, then you can select instr for this mono channel.
If you make 2 channels stereo then you can select instr for stereo.

This you should be able to try out quicker in TM than actually typing the question wink

Look at the handbook for the values of an INSTR channel, this makes most sense for i.e. guitars / pickups to be connected.

Re: Babyface inputs questions

With INST off, input 2 comes from the breakout cable XLR. With INST on, input 2 comes from the side 1/4" input. In either case you have a preamp inline that can boost the signal. I hope that helps.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Babyface inputs questions

Oh ,ok thanks .
So I guess I can not hook up my synth then ,too bad ,I really wanted to avoid buying a mixer or a patchbay just for one mono input .
Anyway ,thanks Jeff.

Jeff wrote:

With INST off, input 2 comes from the breakout cable XLR. With INST on, input 2 comes from the side 1/4" input. In either case you have a preamp inline that can boost the signal. I hope that helps.

Re: Babyface inputs questions

Yes, you should be able to plug your synth output into the 1/4" Inst input.  Just adjust synth output level and Babyface gain to taste.

Re: Babyface inputs questions

My man ,yes !
Stupid me forgot that things have volume adjustment lol.
That was the simple answer I was looking for all along.
Thanks a lot Boz.

boz6906 wrote:

Yes, you should be able to plug your synth output into the 1/4" Inst input.  Just adjust synth output level and Babyface gain to taste.