1 (edited by ewesten 2017-11-05 16:34:15)

Topic: Problem with Left Right Level on Fireface 400


I've been using my Fireface 400 for 6 years now and since this week I have a very strange problem. My monitors are connected to output 1+2 and it is panned for about 90% to the left. When I switch the monitors (1 to 2 and 2 to 1) it is panned right so problem is not my speaker but the output on the interface. The panning in TotalMix FX is set to 0. When I change that to R72 it is about even volume.

When I plugged my monitors in output 3+4 it was ok (even) for 1 minute, but after a minute it was panned for 90% to the right! Output 5+6 same story, 90% to the right. So it seems that 3 outputs of the 6 have the exact same problem.

I did try an older driver, reflashed the firmware and even tried another OS, same problem.

Someone any idea what could be wrong or how to fix it?

Thanks for your help!